Blogging Pink

At last, I have returned from the dark side of whatever has kept me occupied the past however long, whatever has hindered me from doing such a thing I enjoy and telling you (whoever you may be) about my so-called life. So-called? Nah. It's a life, indeed.
Oh, and a largely contributing factor to my lack of bloggings these days is school! School and none other than... Well, school among anothing thing or two, I suppose. One of which just so happens to be laziness! I'm sure you've been lazy, too, by the way.

It is only 7:17 in the evening at the moment, and I am already sleepy! I've been sleeping at midnight (or later) even if I don't have to these days. At least I fall asleep right away... But still, waking up barely five and a half hours later isn't exactly ideal. Have I mentioned that I can't ever fall asleep in chemistry class anymore because I sit right in front of the teacher? Yeah, it wouldn't be too nice of a consequence if that did happen!
We have been waking up at regular time (as in, same time as last year, including breakfast time at home) but leaving and arriving so early to the bus these days! The latest we left was today, which was at 6:13, but the line was still so short when we got there! It's so cool being "on time." Hmm, chemistry class... Well, it's okay. No other word to describe it, really. Our first exam is next Wednesday and Thursday. I absolutely cannot wait (sarcasm intended). Have I mentioned how much I hate my homeroom? I just despise it. Not that anyone really bothers me or anything. I just dislike it. But I'm sure that soon, I won't even care anymore. It's always so darn cold in there, though! Like a freaking freezer or something. Seriously. I always just do nothing in there, even though I always plan to do math notes. Ha. Math is actually fun! It's not like I've ever found any math class boring, though. It's just that this one just so happens to be that all the previous ones. It's so bright in there! And I can actually see the "board" sans squinting or whatever other vision dilemmas. I totally and completely failed quiz number one though. But oh, well. Quiz number two on Tuesday! Oh, my. History is so... Well, no pressure at all in that class. Thus, no more shall I speak of it for tonight. English... I hate how the teacher never clarifies anything! Everything, no matter how "clear" the so-called directions may be, they're just not! And we never know what's due or what's not! There is no line between what we should do and what we have to do! Goodness. I mean, really. And the tests are so, so hard! Granted, I never read the books that the tests are about, but still! Spanish is actually challenging this year. But it's fun. There are so very many people in that class. They just might make another period of Spanish 3! We did our first presentation today. The girl in our group decided to volunteer us to go first, but it really wasn't bad. Journalism... I find myself checking the clock very constantly. Not that I dislike that class. But, yeah. It's probably only because I can't wait to get home by that time. I always think that Spanish is my last class of the day. Then I go to journalism. And while that's actually a rather fun class, I can't wait to leave! Yeah, anyway. I feel kind of bad for not having done anything pertaining to Deca in such a long time. Oh, well, I guess. Someday, one day. There are almost no HIPP workshops this year because of stupid budget cuts for LAUSD. So gayy! Now I actually have to read stuff to learn anything. Gosh darn it.

I've been in a chatroom on AIM for the past hour or so, and it's taking up all my time! It's fun, though. No better or more productive way to spend a free Friday night... Sarcasm completely intended. Oh, well. I'd probably just be watching television if not for this anyway.

Tomorrow is Saturday... I shall do math homework at the library (did I mention we have a class set for math now? Yay!) and then come back home and do whatever else. Oh, yeah. I'm going to go jog in the morning! Hopefully...

I'll blog again tomorrow.
And I probably will do it just because I said I would.

Until then,

I shall leave you :)


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