Making a Habit

I'll be straightforwardly blunt and just say that my legs are so sore right now! I can barely walk without flinching (is that the word? I think that's the word) to myself and thinking, "Ow." You might (or might not) be wondering why.
I've been running this weekend! Well, last weekend, as well. But much more this than last. Yesterday my sister, some guy and I ran around "our block" (it's really a four-block radius or whatever) ten times, and I felt so good afterward! This morning we (my sister and I and three others) went to ELAC (I missed that place) to do the first SRLA run. It was supposed to be two miles, but they cut it down to one. The so-called introductions took so much longer than the run itself! Which, if you ask me, is just plain wrong. I was so jittery (oh, my, very first time I used that word) while sitting there; I simply could not wait to run! I'll skip the very minute details and say that there were four or five false alarms during which everybody began to run and then stopped after five seconds because they realized that we hadn't really begun yet. Anyway, the run itself was pretty good. It was such perfect weather! Afterward, we got our t-shirts and all that. Around ten, we went to IHOP for breakfast. It was good! Except I got full rather quickly. So you know how orange juice is supposed to help heal you when you're sick? Yeah, that orange juice kind of made my throat sore for a while! Haha, at one point, W stepped away to go use the facilities (the restroom), and I immediately poured in the packet of Sweet&Low sugar that my sister handed to me, and she proceeded to pour in vanilla cream (it's for coffee, I suppose). I tried to mix it, but then it turned out all nasty-looking with white particle pieces floating all over! He came back and noticed right away, darn it. So when he asked the waiter for another one, the waiter said okay, but then looked at it strangely and looked at us questioningly. That made me feel kind of bad... But, yeah. It was fun. I mean, not just that, but the entire morning. Literally, too! We got back home at 11:55 or so.
Then I did chemistry homework that is due on Tuesday, as opposed to the lab that is due tomorrow, which now I have to almost try to "hurry" to finish because, well, it's due tomorrow! And I still have math to do, but somebody keeps saying that it will take only 10 minutes. Let's hope so.

So I wasn't sore, really, after yesterday or this morning. The soreness flaked out on me until I started to run again at 5:30! I thought that I had so much energy in me, but then after about half a lap or so around our usual place, I started getting tired! Like, really tired! Which was just plain unexpected. But we kept "running" anyway. Well, I just walked most of it, but it's still good exercise. Hmm, so we ran some more after we got home. It's more like we got home, picked up and dropped off stuff, then ran again. And...yeah. Now my legs are just so very sore.
Next SRLA run is on Sunday! Supposedly, it is going to be a three-mile run. It sounds so dreadful at the moment. I wonder why...

Hmm, new episodes of "Gossip Girl" and "One Tree Hill" tomorrow! I always miss the first two-thirds of the former, though, unfortunately. And we're always out running during the time of its rerun on Sunday evenings. Oh, well. It's not like I'm utterly obsessed with it or anything. Anymore. Haha. "One Tree Hill", however, is a different story. I hated that last episode. Quentin just had to die, didn't he?! Gosh! I hate episodes in which the initially bad, despicable guy who eventually turns into a good, loveable guy dies. Why must they make everything so violent, huh? Violence is not what makes something popular, okay? Geez. Ha, I remember that I once "lectured" a friend about violence for an extremely long time over AIM and pretty much all he could respond with was "..." and "lol". Oh, and some "What's wrong with you"s, too, probably. It was a year or two ago. Yeah, I'm digressing here.

See, I had planned on blogging for only twenty minutes so that I could get back to homework, but then here I am, having passed that self-set time limit. And for what? Just to tell you about myself. See how generous I am? Ha, well, not really. I was just kidding. About the telling you about myself and the generosity part. I'm only here because I want to do this because I know that you know that I know (that you know) that I won't be blogging for a while (probably not until the weekend or something), and I need something here to keep Or just "entertained." Although, really, how entertained could you be reading the same blog over and over for a whole week, right? Because what keeps people interested and entertained is new stuff! And if I don't have new stuff posted, then you won't be either of the two! Dagnabbit. Looks like I have to work on this more and more now. Well, not really. But just to try to blog here more often instead of doing whatever else that I have been doing. Besides homework, though, because doing homework is so fun! (I wasn't being entirely sarcastic about that, by the way.)

Oh, gee whiz, I'm jittery again. I want to go exercise, but I know that I probably can't move around! Agh, my legs... If you see my limping around for the next few days or something, you'll know why.
Right, I still have to quote teachers about what they think about the changes that are going on at school. Who shall I ask... Hmm, I'll save that tomorrow (I'd kind of have to anyway). I want to ask my Spanish teacher, but I'm afraid that she'll start talking so quickly like she always does and then be discursive like she always is and somehow end up telling me about some vacation that she has gone on or something. In Spanish! It'd be interesting to ask her, though, because even though I never really listen to her (oh, well...), I know that what she says is interesting. A big part of that may be because of her tone. It's never boring. It fluctuates! Seriously! She does such cool sound effects, too... Yeah, next topic.

Hmm, so tomorrow is Monday, the most dreadful day ever! I mean, of the week. Just because one must take so much effort and return to workweek mode after having had a weekend! If that made any sense. I know that rhymed, though, "weekend" and "sense." Don't deny it.
Ow...I just sort of stretched my leg and it hurt! What the ache.

Anyway, it has been way beyond the initial twenty-minute limit (that rhymed too) that I gave myself, and I need to get back to my wonderful chemistry experiment analysis and the beginning of a discussion of an end of the write-up. Again, if that made any sense.

Until next time, whenever next time may be...

Have a nice week.


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