
the last time I blogged was on the 22nd, which was...four days ago. Monday? Really? Surprising that I had time on a Monday night to blog... That's a good kind of "surprising", though. Clearly.

It is another Friday night, and I feel good, in a way, because I barely have any homework this weekend! Only the chem prelab and advance study assignment and read or something for English. I might do Deca! Emphasis on "might", though. Um...gather information for a story for journalism. Something about a new phone called the G1. Seemingly, Google has collaborated with T-Mobile to make that phone, which is coming out in just a matter of days! Notice that it is nearing the end of yet another month... And another season has already begun! I'm sure that I have already mentioned something about autumn. Gotta love this season. It's the only one that has two words: fall and autumn. Synonymity (I don't know if that's even a real word) is nice. As is the season of autumn.

At the moment, I am eating grapes. Green grapes! Yay. For the past few days, all we've had is kiwifruit, and still a whole lot of it left, because my dad bought it at a wholesale or something a few weeks ago. Yes, a few weeks ago, and they're still not ripe yet! Outrageous.
These grapes are so good, though. Have I ever mentioned how much I adore melon chunks? Watermelon, honeydew, canteloupe, along those lines. Well, my mom always cuts them and puts the bowls into the fridge, and then my sister and I just eat it all... She does more than I do, but yeah. If it's not cut up, we just leave it there to rot. Haha. Well, not rot, but just soften. To the extreme and then reek. Oh, well!

sigh. I wonder when I am ever going to begin studying for Deca. If I'm even going to get to compete this year, since I haven't been doing anything! And I'm sure that I'm not being very inconspicuous about it. Gee, I suck.
On the other hand, I've gotten better at my procrastination thing. Better at it as in I haven't been doing as much of it as I used to. Over the summer or so, I finally realized how nice it is to get things done before the actual deadline, and how useful it is to actually focus! One of my friends told me the other day that she envies me when it comes to homework. Haha. And just two nights ago, another friend was asking me questions about an English assignment online, and when she was done, she said that she'd leave me alone because I need to work because she knows what a procrastinator I am. Talk about opposing views! Then again, I don't talk to the latter as much as with the former, so that's probably why.

I just ate the last of my grapes. Dagnabbit. I want more green grapes! I ought to look up nutition information for grapes, since I consume so much of them, especially in the summertime.
Speaking of which, there was one day this week when it was just so cold. Probably Monday or Tuesday. And then yesterday and today were just so freakishly hot! What the stupid gay! I thought that it was supposed to get cooler in the autumn, not hotter. Over the past two days, I have faced the degradations of a harsh radiation as sunshine, and I'll tell you, it's not that nice. Unless you are one that just so happens to take pleasure in the risk of skin cancer! Eh, hopefully it cools down. I mean, it's been getting dark at seven. So you'd think that it'd get cooler, too, right? But no... Nature. Beautiful but strange.
Scratch "strange" and replace with "unpredictable".

Yesterday in journalism, our teacher told us that almost all the time, it is redundant to use an exclamation mark because whatever you say should already convey the emotion or excitement. Unless you're doing dialogue or something, I think. But, yeah. And to think that several months ago, I rarely ever used exclamation marks.
Today, he was talking to two girls about how people start dating these days. Or, well, more of how a guy "asks a girl out". It was something of an interesting conversation that I did not really want to take part in because I was supposedly researching a phone (the G1). At one point, though, I did turn around and ask the teacher, "Do you really wonder?" He said yes. Haha.

Hmm, next week is going to be cool. Unfortunately, I do not mean weather-wise. Monday, my English teacher is going to be absent for the Jewish holiday; Tuesday, no school for the Jewish holiday; Wednesday, English teacher absent for the end of the holiday. Thursday, back-to-school night (I've never understood why it's so late into the school year); Friday, shortened day! Yay, next week. Oh, oops, there I go with another exclamation mark. So when I think about it, in a way, there are only two days of school next week.
Let us hope, though, that there will not be like, ten days' worth of homework.

You probably don't care at this time, but the economy is in such bad shape right now that...well, it doesn't even have a shape! There's something about banks and $700 billion. I didn't even bother typing out the entire number, but in case you were wondering, there are 11 zeroes in that number, 12 digits including the 7. So, I calculated yesterday as an assignment: if that were to be split evenly among the 300 million Americans, everbody would have enough money, well, I forgot what it was I wrote. But among the Chatsworth High School student population, everybody would end up with enough money to go to Princeton at the regular tuition expenses for 4,464 years. That many! That is an entire lifetime times four thousand plus four hundred years' worth of education. At Princeton. My, oh my. If it were to be spit among the world population of 6 billion something million something something whatever the next digits are, everybody would wind up wth $106.02, enough to buy 19 Subway $5 footlong sandwiches! Haha. I crack myself up.
But get real. What are the chances that that much money would ever go to charity, right?

Hmm, I ought to journal tonight, seeing as how I don't have much else that I need or want to do. Borders tomorrow...hopefully. I need to get two books for English class. And then perhaps a book for pleasure, even though I probably won't get another chance to read for pleasure until college or something. How gayy is that? Oh, well. Back to journaling sometime soon, I hope.

The time is passing by oh so quickly. Before any of us knows it, the end of yet another school year will have arrived. And then I'll be a senior! Then a freshman in college somewhere in the northeast, hopefully. I want to see snow!

I don't believe I've told you about my fondness of and intrigue for Antarctica. I really want to go there someday. The general concensus, though, is that it is basically unpopulated, with the exception of several research stations stationed in various areas. Still, I want to go there, just for the isolation. It'd be nice. Now I just wonder if the North Pole exists and whether anybody lives there. And no, do not tell me Santa Claus or his elves.

The other day in class, a girl was saying that she wanted to write about stereotypes and cliques, and then the teacher said something like, "I have my type of stereo. I think mine's a JVC." I understood it about a second after he said it and started laughing silently. The girl behind to my left expressed disbelief at such a lame joke. And finally, as he said, "realization dawned" on us as a group. Haha. That was so funny. Well, lame funny, but basically my type of funny. No doubt that I would have said something along that line I were him. Which, fortunately, I am not. Just kidding. Kind of.
Speaking of "just kidding", I remember today that I said something about somebody having said something but then kidding about it, and then somebody else kidding about that something's something. And I said I was kidding, and finally I realized that I didn't even know what was being kidded (most likely not a word) about anymore. It was simply another one of those random funny moments. Actually, "random" was irrelevant, because funniness ought to be random, right? Planned humor simply does not work. At least, in my opinion it doesn't, because you end up thinking too much about it, and then you make it seem so mechanical. Whatever it is or may be. Humor is something in which one simply has to go with the flow.

more than a name
or a face in the crowd
I know this is the time
this is the time of my life

I just had to say that, because I'm listening to the song right now. So, you know, Michael Phelps is the David Cook of swimming. If I haven't already said so. I think it works better the other way around, though: David Cook is the Michael Phelps of singing. There you go. Because MP is still so much cooler than DC. He swims. Then again, DC is a bartender... I don't know if you remember that one time (it may have been twice) I mentioned that I had developed a fondness for bartenders because they have "hidden talents". Not really anymore, though, because I haven't been watching as much television.
We totally missed this week's "Gossip Girl" AND "One Tree Hill". Which means that we will have to watch the reruns on Sunday evening. Which means that we have to return from our run before seven, because "GG" begins at six. Ah, we'll see what happens at the dawn of its happening. If that made any sense to you, raise your hand. (That was a Lertzman thing. "If you understand what I just said, raise your hand." And then continue speaking.)

My eyes are so very tired right now. Probably because I have been staring at the computer (yes, computer) screen for the past hour or so, "talking" to YOU, whoever you may be.
I suppose that I'm going to be at the library tomorrow morning. And then hopefully Borders after lunch, followed by a late afternoon/ early evening run.
Sunday is the second run for SRLA, and I cannot wait. Even though it's supposedly supposed to be three times as long as the first and previous one. I feel like I haven't run is so very long. And I don't think that that's a good thing. Wherever Westchester (or whatever it is) is, I will be, I suppose. I want to go get breakfast afterward, but again, we'll see what happens at the dawn of its happening; or lack thereof.

Seriously, my eyes are extremely tired. I should go to sleep now, just for the heck of legitimately sleeping early for once. But my hair isn't yet dry (rather far from it, really), and I finished eating only a few minutes over an hour ago. Darn it.

I want to purchase sweaters/ jackets in preparation for the cold. If it ever happens.
So I wonder about global warming. If it is even real. I believe in it. It makes sense. The topic of global warming and the debate of its existence (or not) reminds me of the different views on evolution and whether or not it really happened. And...yeah. That's all for that topic.

8:52 is the time now. I shall end here (or, well, a few lines hereafter) and do something else for a short while, followed by another item under the oh so particular category of "something else". I am so hilarious.

If you would be a real seeker after truth, it is necessary that at least once in your life you doubt, as far as possible, all things.
-Rene Descartes


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