Ever Ever After

Today was somewhat cold...

So the history test was postponed to Wednesday, since lots of people were complaining like wimps about having two exams on one day. Sheesh, just get with the program, why don't they? Suck it up. Teachers in college aren't going to postpone exams just because their students have other exams on the same day. It's called preparation, people. Get with it.
Anyway, there's only a chemistry exam tomorrow. I admit that I did not know anything at all. Literally. For the past five weeks or so, I have just been sitting in class, half-asleep about half the time, just copying the notes but not knowing what I am writing. Heck, I haven't even studied until about 4:30 prime meridian today. But after after-school review with the teacher, I felt SO GOOD, because, well, I actually paid attention. Now I need to review the review and study the other lessons from the book.
Speaking of tests, we got our math test from last week back today. I missed an A by ONE point! And that one point...I practically ripped myself off! I could have gotten an A if I had just LABELED THE Y-INTERCEPT. GRR. I mean, really. Just that ONE label, just that ONE point, and I could have gotten ONE A.
Here's something very contradicting: In English, the teacher passed back our homework packets. There was a literature one, and a workbook one. For the literature one, where there was supposed to be lots of writing and work, I got an A+. For the workbook one, where it was mostly reading, I got an F. A flat-out F. 15 out of 30. And you know why? Well, don't answer that question. It's because we were supposed to take notes on the reading material and I just read it without doing the former. And there was this one part where there was supposed to be writing, but I had assumed that we didn't have to do it because we usually don't. And yeah, that got me an F. But oh well.

I notice I've said "supposed to" quite a number of times already.
I think we think that many things are "supposed to" be something, that we're "supposed to" do certain things. It's quite a phrase, actually. It can get a bit annoying after constantly reiterating it. Then again, what is ever "supposed to" blahblahblah?

Pues, tengo que ducharse ahora. Y necesito estudiar luego.



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