
always gives me a feeling of satisfaction.
No matter how crappy I feel, I'm always better after a writing spree.
Not that I felt crappy today. I'm just saying.

I am officially sick. Great job, Wendy. Yeah, I was talking to myself there. So, this makes me wonder: What's the point of flu shots, again? I get one every year, yet I still get sick at least once a year, and that's usually in November, after almost everybody else gets sick and well. After my sister contaminates everything at home. And here I thought flu shots are supposed to prevent you from getting sick. Gee-whiz. What a rip of twenty-five bucks.

So, I have two exams on Tuesday... Chemistry and European History. I should study history now and chem tomorrow... Or start chem...Or whatever. Geez, I don't want to think about it. I really hope I do well on both, though. Good thing we don't have a math test too that day.
There is an English grammar test tomorrow. I LOVE grammar. Or, as my eighth grade English teacher used to say, "Grammar is great!" I so totally agree. And "Literature is lovely!" Do you get the alliteration there? Wow, I love English.

Deca Scrimmage took place yesterday at Granada Hills High. It was...an improvement from last year. I mean, we ranked like, somewhere near the end, but at least we weren't last. But we weren't even that close to the middle, either... I did better than I had expected, considering that I didn't even study like I was supposed to. But still, I don't think it was good enough. Math was HORRIBLE! There were 35 questions and 30 minutes. Like I said, HORRIBLE. I have literally forgotten ALL the math I learned previous to this semester. And the material was mostly Geometry and Trigonometry. And I took that latter only last semester! I seriously need some help. My point is that I need to do better not only in Deca, but also ESPECIALLY in math. Hmm, I don't think that last sentence made much structural sense there, but you get the point.

I really ought to be studying right now.
Speaking of which...
I recently learned that "really" is one of the most highly overused words in the English language. That's so interesting! I've told people that, and most of the responses I've gotten were, "Really?" Hahaha.

Okay, I shall end this and start studying like...a cool nerd :)


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