Hey There, Dandelion

What's it like in Texas city?

I have a ton of math homework to catch up on...and I have to read some boring crap for history. Unfortunately, more anxiety was put upon me today because I now bear the knowledge of my grades in my most important classes (only one of which I really like). For all of those three classes, I am so close to an A. But it's only a B+. Well, for chemistry it's an 86.66666etc, but I could have easily gotten an A by now if I had only studied harder for last week's exam. Which, I suppose, I'm happy about, because I didn't fail although I had really expected to. I missed an A by one point! Yet again, so close, yet so frustratingly far. I hate that. It really frustrates me, knowing that I'm almost there, but I keep fluctuating back and forth, back and back, forth, back... And I cannot believe I have an 89.8% for history. That is so lame! Even though he said it's an A in his class, it's not an A for me. It's still a freaking B. There is seriously something wrong with me this semester. I think I know what it is.

I have to remember to look up the word sublime. It occurs in so many places! There's a word for that that starts with the letter e...but I forgot what it was. I could go research that right now, but I don't want to take the time to do so. And the Internet is somewhat malfunctional (If that wasn't a word before, it now is, in the wendynary, haha.) today.

Hmm, what ever shall I say now?

Sometimes I wish...Well, I don't necessarily wish. But I just like to imagine things the way that they simply are not. Things that could happen, but most likely won't.
Isn't that common? So many things could happen, but we know in our right minds that they...won't.
There are times when I have confidence that I can make something happen, all the confidence I can gather within myself. Yet...it doesn't. I'll tell you, it's quite a disappointment for myself. I guess that's probably why I keep fluctuating between that border between an A and a B.

Somtimes, that mountain you've been climbing is just a grain of sand
What you've been out there searching for forever, is in your hands...


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