So Easy to Get Lost Inside

I really despise insurance companies and their comrades, armed with their hooligan-nonchalant-about-other-people's-well-being-ness.

So today, I found out that Deca actually drops one's grade point average! What the heck, man?! I mean, it makes sense, but it just ain't right. We work out butts off, and what do we get? A LOWER GRADE POINT?! Huh? Injustice, I tell you. Injustice.

I would like to finish reading Sixteen already...But I still have to catch up on math homework. There are so many problems I have to (figure out how to) do. And there's a quiz on Thursday... Fabulous. I really suck at math. I really, truly do. I used to be good at elementary school. Heck, it was even my favorite subject (next to spelling/vocabulary) back in that decade! How things change... From time to time, I get myself to thinking that I'm...afraid. Of math? I don't know. All I know is, I'm mathematically challenged. Although, I also know that I could truly improve if I just tried. If I just tried to try. Gosh.
Like right now, for instance. I could be doing my math homework instead. Opportunity costs...
I love economics.

At the end of sixth period (PE. Ugh.) today, I thought of two starting lines for a "new poem" that I hopefully can squeeze out of my head before I forget the idea. Not that the whole idea has even formed yet, but hey, I've got a beginning:
Stop with the brandished cliches
Use your head and think of something new to say

It's a work in progress. We used to call those WIP's in elementary school.
Speaking of which, I remember that I first realized how quickly time passes in fifth grade. I had never really thought about it before then, but that year, I just felt it. Whether it was the epiphany and the realization or the events that happened, I don't know. But from thereafter, time has always gone by following the speed of light. Okay, that was a lie. Sometimes it doesn't go by that quickly. But my point...

Whatchamacallit? Um... I seem to have, yet again, lost my short train of abundant thoughts.

Life is full of ironies.
Take the sun, for example. The sun gives us life. We need sunlight to survive. But, too much of it can cause some people to die. Uh, yeah. That was just another realization among many others.

Ever, ever after and on, into the shallowest depths and bounded eternity.


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