I Wanted...

to cry.

Today was a really good day, even better than yesterday. But for some unbeknownst reason, I felt like crying a while ago. Not now, but yeah. Today was fun. I stayed after for Deca (not a surprise there) and then went to Burger King with some amigos. It was a complete disaster. Really, it was a disaster. First, someone hit someone who was holding a soda without a lid and that soda spilled on me and all over the table and floor. After that, I was playing with sauce and stuff, and I lost control of the container and it just literally slipped out of my fingers and spilled onto, again, my sweater and the table. Then the former someone tried to help me wipe it off and then got a whole bunch on himself! And again thereafter! That table was a mess like no other. But I had fun.
Battle of the Bands is...going on right now. It actually started about ten minutes ago. I wanted to stay and watch it, but then I wouldn't have had a way home. It seems very interesting, though. And Chancellor Hall actually looked pretty good! Haha.

Two days ago, during PE, I was shooting the basketball around with my friend. At one moment, I saw this ball come rolling our way, and I thought, "Hey, it's rolling really oddly!" As it got closer to our vicinity, I realized that it was oddly shaped. I kicked it aimlessly away...Then a few minutes later, it returned. I got to see it closer up (or down, since I was looking at the ground), and it was oddly-shaped! It had tumors!! Not just one, but two! So there was that cancerous basketball that died because chemotherapy was not effective (As in, I haven't seen it again, and the "tumors" must still be there, untreated.).
Yesterday, I found an anorexic basketball. Someone said that that ball was smaller, so I just named it that. Unfortunately, there was no obese one.
That cancerous ball was hilarious.

On a much more serious note:
I don't understand why people get so caught up in "finding 'the one'". I mean, we have our whole lives ahead of us, and a whole population of how many trillion? "There are plenty of fish in the sea" is pretty overused (There is a very good SAT word for this, but again, unsurprisingly, I forgot it.) but it is so true. How can you expect to be with one single person for a long long time (I won't say forever, because it doesn't exist, and that's the truth about forever.) when there are so many others just...out there? Out there, where? I don't know. But sometimes, you find them; sometimes, they find you; or, if coincidental enough, you find each other.
Then again, I suppose I do know a reason for this. Maybe it's because we're so easily influenced, and so foolishly impressionable by all the world around us that we think that it's the thing to do, or to think that we ought to do. Or whatever. I don't really feel like putting the effort into attempting to articulate this any better.

So, I must go shower and then do homework. Actually, I don't have any homework today, because I finished it all either during class or last night. Okay, I have two problems left for math. Oh, crap. I have to do my outline for chem. Oops.


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