Always Cut Short

There are many times when I simply dislike that some things are cut short: the best conversations, time with the best people, adventures... sometimes even school! Although, time always passes by at the same pace. I guess when you're having a good time, it tends to pass by more rapidly than when you're not.

I actually had time and effort to ponder something about half an hour ago. I have come to not conclude, but form an opinion about fairness. How often have we all heard that life isn't fair? Well, I was thinking, maybe it is. Things just are the way we make them, and even if nothing seemed fair, we have ourselves to blame for that. We could certainly change what isn't fair, for most cases, anyway. Which also leads me to say, again, that people waste too much time complaining. I mean, really. Especially when they complain that they don't have enough time to do something. Come on! You're dumping away your time by doing that! Geez. And it also irritates me that students in AP classes whine like wimps about homework. Come on, people. Get with the program here. They're called Advanced Placement for a reason, now. Wimps.

The Nutcracker I think I want to see. It is next Friday at some theater in Glendale. I adore the city of Glendale. The street names are so interesting, too! Like Lexington. The American Revolutionary War! Yeah! Um...not that war is a good thing.

How many synonyms, or just somehow-related words, for market can you come up with? My friend and I came up with...a whole bunch during the bus ride back home today. It was fun, as with any other word we do. Words are so fun :)

Ooh, it's exactly 9:00...Gossip Girl is on!

Gee, some people. They keep on asking questions and question on top of questions. Useless, meaningless, dumb questions. Annoying questions. What a way to irk others.

Hmm, we had a test for history today... It was on two chapters, only one of which I partly studied and then totally forgot just prior to the test. Fascinatingly-only-in-a-Wendy-way enough, though, I felt pretty good about the test. How ironic is that? I feel good about a test I barely study for and horrible about a test I kill to study for. Hence...screw studying :) Well, not literally all studying, but...yeah. Oh, gosh. What I just said is probably going to bite my ass on the very next test I take, which will most likely be a math one.

Blah blah blah...


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