
Give me a name,
Give me a story
Give me what you think,
Give me all you've got
Identify me
Judge me
Whatever, wherever
Let me simply be
Be more than your judgement of my identity.

I am SO SORE today. In PE, we actually played a good basketball game (and got an A). Afterward, I was actually perspiring. Then later on in the afternoon, I played some more basketball, then some volleyball, which completely sored up my arms. Now my back hurts even more than it did two days ago. And my legs are all cramped up. I need to seek physical therapy, haha. Monday, we start volleyball for PE. And just when basketball was getting good. Geez, the way things turn out. I actually learned how to shoot...or, well, score, a basket today! It was so cool! It really works-- most of the time. Awesome :) And I made two shots from the half-court line today. Another "awesome."

Ow, my back hurts.

I love Gossip Girl. If I haven't emphasized that enough already.
Speaking of emphasis, I spent six hours studying for my history test last night. And I studied so freaking much that I actually ended up not studying at all. In other words, I wasted six hours trying to studying, but that turned out to be idiotically ineffective. I really should have just winged the stupid test. I bet I would have gotten a higher score without studying than with. Geez. I am truly the dumbest idiot ever sometimes.

I had so much to say that I forgot it all.
Tomorrow night, the hands of all clocks crawl backward, allowing us an "extra" hour of the day. Although, if you really think about it, it's not "extra," since we do have an hour taken away from us every April. So this just compensates for that.
Or whatever. It'll be nice to sleep an "extra hour."

If I remember anything worthwhile of typing, then I shall be back...later.
Whenever later may be.


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