It's Always Tomorrow

I'll do it tomorrow. The next day: I'll get to it tomorrow. And it's yesterday's tomorrow: Ah, tomorrow. Etc, etc.
It's always TOMORROW. Many of the things we should do today are constantly pushed to tomorrow. Yet when the next day comes, we use another tomorrow. But what if today's tomorrow or tomorrow's tomorrow doesn't come? Oh well? For some things, that's fine, but for others, it's just not.

One of the things that I really hate (and I hate a lot of things...and people--though not as many now as before) is when others think that they know me so dagnabbit well but freaking don't. Seriously, I get extremely peeved when I try to tell someone that I'm like this or that, but then the counterpart disagrees! What the heck is that all about, huh?! You got beef? Go roast it or something! I think I know well how I am, so don't go telling me that I'm not how I tell you I am. Unless you don't want to talk anymore, then fine! Do it! Geez!
Oh, and another thing. Don't try to make me like something that you do just because you like it! And don't persist. It's really freakishly irritating. I'll pretend I like it just to be nice, but just...try listening?
Number three: Don't give me any of your degrading, pet-like nicknames. Do I look like a pet? Huh? Even if I did, I wouldn't want to be your pet! Ridiculous, I tell you! Pathetically ridiculous! I have a name for a reason, you know. And most people call people by their names, okay? I mean, don't get me wrong. I'm fine with nicknames. But just dump those degrading, pet-like ones DOWN. THE. SEWERS.
And! Those who talk rudely loudly and then get all mad when others intervene or something. IF YOU DON'T WANT OTHER PEOPLE TO HEAR YOU, THEN MAYBE YOU SHOULD LOWER YOUR VOICE! How about that? Or! Maybe you could go elsewhere, yes?
People who never do their homework: I don't care whether you copy the next day or not. JUST DO THE WORK. I hate when people don't care about whether or not they pass a class. Though, I shouldn't really care, because it's got nothing to do with me (Thank goodness.), but it's rather...unbearable, to a certain extent, to watch.
Male chauvinists. Geez! What are their problems? There are women in this world, so DEAL WITH IT. In a considerate way.
Why must some people be so annoyingly antagonizing? If you've got a point you want to prove, then go ahead and prove it. With proof. If you don't have back up, then just shut up and accept whatever else! Truth hurts, okay? Just DEAL WITH IT.

I seriously did not mean to make a list of such...matter. I just felt really annoyed all of a sudden. And guess what? I know why. But oh well. If I had all the time in the world (which is one of the most impossible things in life), I would go on and list all the things that I hate, but I don't. So I won't. Actually, I do have a list of many of the things that I hate. Believe it or not, I spent about two hours on one afternoon making two lists: "What I Hate" and "What I Love". There were so many items under the former. And considerably less under the latter. Gee, I wonder why.
I'm probably one of the most self-contradicting persons you will ever know. Although I hate such a large number of things, I'm not such a pessimistic person. I'd say I'm quite optimistic. Or maybe just indifferent. Perhaps with a slight touch of uncaring. But hey. Whatever happens, happens. And again, just deal with it then.

I am not even halfway done here.
(This program is going to be paused for a short commercial break.)
[In other words, I'll be away for a bit before I come back and resume. So, if you really think about it, by the time I return, I will have had time to "cool off" a bit.]

So now I am back, after about twenty minutes. And I just thought of another thing that annoys me. We all ask redundant questions, and that's okay. I know I do it all the time. But, there's a fine, fine line between redundant and just plain dumb. Such as:
It's Bruthe's birthday. It is Wednesday, so he...or she, must be at school. Bruthe is holding gift bags and birthday balloons. And a classmate comes up to him and says, "Happy Birthday!" Bruthe replies, "Thank you." And then comes the schocker: "Is it really your birthday?"
WHAT. THE. FREAK. Wow. Why would someone "lie" about their birthday? And you just said Happy Birthday! Gosh.
And I'm not sure if I've mentioned this before, but seriously, Whoever said that there's no such thing as a dumb question has obviously never asked any questions. There are plenty of dumb questions out there! A cornucopia of them!

So, today. The previously dreaded piano recital took place today. Honestly, it wasn't as bad as I had anticipated it would be. There were twenty-seven students, and I was the twenty-fifth to play. Good thing I wasn't the finale! The twenty-something little kids before me were okay. It was really boring, however unsurprisingly. At one point, I asked my teacher if we could turn off all the lights (at that time, only the stage lights were on), and she laughed. I really think it would have been fun if all the lights were off. Anyway. By the time it was my turn to play, my feet were hurting from the high-heel shoes I was wearing. And I'm quite certain that I walked onto the stage very awkwardly. I felt so awkwardly tall! I played without that second part I did work on. I'd expected to do a bit better, but it's okay. Afterward, I did a bow, and that was awkwardly awkward, as well. When the performances were all over, people scurried to the back for food, which was, again, not a surprise. People like food. I took some photos of and by the piano. It was pretty cool. It occurred to me that I could be good at photography if I wanted to pursue a career in it or something. But...I don't. Maybe possibly a photojournalist. But definitely a journalist. Hmm, I'm being discursive again.

You know, sometimes I find it simply amazing that I have friends whom I have known for years and years, but whom I barely know. I mean, sure, we "met" in like, second grade or whenever. But what does it mean? I realize that I don't know much about them, and more importantly, that we never talk. We just...never talk. And isn't communication key in a good relationship? I truly believe that. Seriously, I hate (but not the same kind of hate from above) whenever it occurs to me that some friends I have known longest are the ones I barely know or talk to. Or even if we do talk, I still don't know them. I'd know their personalities, sure, but how much do I really know about their lives? Not much, sad to admit, but...not much.

Last night, I randomly came across a Chinese show on YouTube and began watching it in lieu of practicing piano (I was so sick of it.)...It's called Honour and Pride. It's a pretty interesting show. And now I'm totally into yet another Chinese show that my parents were just watching. It's funny; I like funny Chinese shows. Oh, yeah...I don't know if it's just me, but I think that in the modern shows (still Chinese here), the young cops are pretty hot ;)
Hahaha, the girl and the boy are going out on their first date. They've just come out of the cinema, and she starts rubbing her hands extremely strangely. When the boy asks her what's wrong, she says, "It's cold, it's cold..." So the boy goes to a street vendor and gets her a cup of hot coffee. She holds the cup of coffee and exclaims, "It's hot, it's hot!" The boy cluelessly replies, "See? Much better now, huh?"

Okay, large, large mood swing there. I really like modern Chinese shows.

Hmm, and now when they're in a really crowded elavator together, she sees this strange guy looking at her, and exclaims, "Ah! Someone is touching my hand!" So everyone turns around to look, and the boy she's with hold up their hands togehter, and he says, "She knows me, she knows me. She's my girlfriend." Hahaha, hilarious stuff there.

Wow, forget Advanced Placement European History homework. I'm going to be watching this show until I go to sleep!

I think that's all for today, since I've come to "resort" to telling you about this random Chinese thing I'm watching.


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