Like This

I haven't heard that song in a while. I'm listening to it now.

Today was pretty uneventful. It was pretty hot, though, for a December day...Quite strange, but oh well. Variation's nice. I have a feeling that this post is going to be a highly, excruciatingly boring, bland one. Keep reading. Maybe something exciting will happen. Maybe fireworks will spark.

I came across a fantastically excellent essay about half an hour ago:
It's REALLY REALLY GOOD. I wonder if this promoting/advertising thing is allowed...I would think so, but anyway.

Exactly three more weeks until C H R I S T M A S . How quickly time runs. Like the speed of...light. Actually, I think light is time. In both scientific and philosophical senses. But I really don't feel like getting into detail right now. Think about it.
Ha, how hypocritical of me. I don't want to think but I'm telling others to.
Life is dominated by hyprocrisy and its ever so loyal disciples, hyprocrites. Don't deny it. We all are hypocrites once, twice, or more in a while.

Now that I think about it, I do have some stuff on my mind.
But I must complete my homework first.


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