If You Want To

I can save you
I can take you away from here
So lonely inside
So busy out there
And all you wanted
Was somebody who cares...

All You Wanted by Michelle Branch :)

Because I did absolutely nothing on Friday and yesterday, I have plenty to do today. Great job, me. I'm four-timing my books! That hasn't happened in a while. I am currently reading The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway for English, The Red Badge of Courage by Stephen Crane for Deca, Sixteen by Megan McCafferty (almost done!) for my own pleasure, and Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury for my mother's English class, which includes a paper that is due tomorrow, which means I have to finish the whole book by today. The latter is a pretty good book so far. At first, it was really mysterious and enigmatic, somewhat frightening for me, but only because I was reading it last night. But I love the way the writer describes everything so vividly! Such as, "The trees overhead made a great sound of letting down their dry rain" (5-6). And I absolutely love this line: "He walked toward the corner, thinking little at all about nothing in particular" (4).

It's going to be a busy busy day full of...work. I'll pull it off...though it'll probably be one a.m. by the time I go to sleep. But I've got it handled.
That's all for today, I suppose.


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