el 14 de deciembre

I'm feeling extremely sleepy right now. I've been organizing my...crap for the past hour. After this, I need to study for tomorrow's workshop.
Today was the last school day of the year! So fast... For the next three weeks, instead of winter break, I'll be having winter breakdown. My plans: 1) study, 2) do homework, 3) study, 4) practice piano, 5) study, 6) practice piano, and 7) study. So, to condense it all: study and do homework (whether it be for school or for...piano).

Speaking of condensing, I actually understood the unit that we just finished working on in chemistry class. It's called "Modern Atomic Structure." It's pretty fun. But I'm just saying that because I understand it. If I didn't, then I'd totally despise it. The unit exam today went pretty well, as not-so-far as I could tell. The math test right afterward, however, was just plain horrible. There were three word problems, and because I haven't done the last assignment yet, which involved those word problems, I was in a pickle. So...yeah. Hoping for the best for that.

Today was a pretty chill day. Every class was just doing nothing, with the exception of...math. And PE. But it was a nice day. This week has been so freakishly cold. I like it :)

I've never mentioned it before, but I think that I now know how it feels to have your heart "skip a beat." It literally does happen! I think of some...one at some...times and I just...get that feeling. Or I feel all tingly inside, which is nice, albeit its ephemeralness. Hmm. Okay, next topic, haha.

I finished Sixteen: Stories about that Sweet and Bitter Sixteenth Birthday. Or...whatever its elongated title is. I guess it's good. The Old Man and the Sea was boring and ...just plain boring. Fahrenheith 451 I still have to finish reading. And The Red Badge of Courage I have to finish rereading. It sounds as if I have a lot of unfinished things to finish. As always.

10:09 p.m. Pacific Standard Time right now.
I shall go do my duties.


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