The First

of December today is.

I've just finished watching the tenth episode of Gossip Girl. It made me cry. That episode is SO GOOD. So very good. It's the best one so far! It was a Thankgiving episode, though why it wasn't shown last week, the day before Thanksgiving, I don't know. Regardless, it's FANTASTIC, BRILLIANT. I love it!! At first, everyone's together. Then, all the families are all messed up; everything's ruined. At the very end, everybody rejoices! I can't wait until the next one!

I was supposed to do something productive during the past hour and a half, but I'll start after this.

I can't believe it's already December. Everything is going and coming by so quickly. Sometimes it's hard to actually thoroughly absorb it all.

Nothing much to say today...for now.
This is definitely one of the most boring posts here.


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