Pretentious, Pretentious, Pretentious

Now that I've thought about it, tomorrow's recital is quite pretentious. I mean, really. You practice your song for however long, get better but not necessarily good at it, then you get up "onstage" and play it for others who don't even know or care about you to hear, and you take an awkward bow. How pre-freaking-tentious is that?
(sigh) I don't care anymore. I had to think about and look for a "nice" outfit to wear tomorrow, and I decided to purposely look semi-casual, just to have an air of "I don't care". Wow, now that I've actually put that into writing, it seems kind of mean. But it's how I feel.
The song I'm going to play is so meaningless, other than the fact that it's one of my exam songs in March. Because I'm not going to play the second part afterall, everything's just a repetition. Which would sound all the more boring to the audience. But then again, as I said previously, they don't really care. Most parents just go to listen to their own children play and sit and shift around on the stiff chairs uncomfortably and impatiently while waiting to begin videorecording that one "performance." Then again before the program finally ends.
Pretentious much? Very.

I can't wait to get tomorrow over with. So I can just concentrate on...other stuff that should be on my mind. Like dumb math homework. Grr.

So I guess that's all I have to say today. Although it was all about tomorrow. And if I do blog tomorrow, it'll be, again, about tomorrow. Darn tomorrow.

Oh, I actually looked up "blog" on today. Apparently, it's short for "weblog":
Main Entry: blog
Part of Speech: n
Definition: an online diary; a personal chronological log of thoughts published on a Web page
You're probably wondering why on earth I would take the time to look it up. The other day, I, for some reason that I do not remember because it is not important, typed "blog" on Microsoft Word and it was underlined in red. The word suggestions were so strange.

Anyway, I guess I'll go practice some now. Don't want to embarrass my mom tomorrow.


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