Tonight, Many Are Saying Goodbye

to 2007.

This will be the last post.
Of the year.
It's not like I have any other choice; today is December 31st, and usually, this day marks the end of yet another year. I can't make this the second to last post, because that would have been yesterday's. If I'm not making any sense at this moment, then...don't mind me.

A year sounds long, but it truly isn't. So boringly little, yet so invigoratingly much happens in the course of 365 days, or, as in 2004's case, 366 days.
What is there to celebrate about every January 1st, anyway? What is such the big deal with the "ball dropping" in a city about a thousand miles away? Again, pretentious.

Okay, next topic. I have a feeling that the last post of the year ought to be out of the ordinary.
(Sometimes I don't get how "out of the ordinary" and "extraordinary" mean...something different. If a matter is out of the ordinary, then doesn't it mean that it's ordinary, because it's drawn from the pool of ordinary-ness? Moreover, if a matter is extraordinary, doesn't that make it all the more ordinary?)
Back to the topic: then again, if I wrote something different and more meaningful just due to the fact that it'll be the last of the year, then I'd seem to be contradicting myself, because I said that a new year isn't really much to celebrate, which reads into implying that it isn't special. Gosh, I am totally not making sense.

Hmm, since I'm feeling slightly annoyed at this particular moment, I'll elongate and elaborate on my "hate" list from yesterday.
The reason why I always set my cell phone on silent/vibrate is because I absolutely detest ringing. I don't care what the ringtone is or isn't. I just don't like it when the phone rings.
Frequent questions annoy the heck out of me. Especially when they come from a person who I don't want to talk to.

Gee, I think I'll stop.
I'm feeling really tired. I cried today! From the Chinese movie I was watching yesterday but finished today, which is why I still have not completed my homework, which is why I am going to be in so much trouble when the time comes (Sunday night).

This is probably one of the most senseless posts here. It was boring to type, and it must have been boring to read.


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