November's Eve

Why does nobody ever think of it that way, huh? Why must everybody conform to this supposed and irrelevant "holiday"? sigh.

I am sitting here in front of the television and wondering when I will continue to get on with my life. As in, when I will stop gazing at this screen with motion picture and when I will cease this activity by the nomenclature of blogging. Then proceed to shower and then continue to study for tomorrow's major tests, which are likely to determine my far-fetched but ambitious future...or lack thereof, sadly. No, not really. But I have to sleep earlier tonight and wake up a bit before seven tomorrow, dagnabbit. And fill in bubbles for two hours! How ugly-seeming is that? Agh. Test taking is so dreadful. Too bad it plays a role in students' futures, which are, again, far-fetched, as well as unpredictable. But you know, you gotta do what you gotta do. For the meantime, anyway.

Heck, I'm getting sleep already. I've been sleeping at midnight or later every night for the past three weeks; how unconstitutional is that? I'll tell you that it is very unconstitutional.

Really, I do not know how I am going to take that math test tomorrow. All this time, and I never studied! The book that I've been looking at, though, absolutely sucks. It is the worst book EVER, and this is coming from a person who loves books, including test preparation ones. Anyway, take this as a book review and never purchase anything by REA, the Research and Education Association. It makes me hate math! Or, well, the math problems that are in there, anyway.

sigh. I feel so out of place right now, even though I am only at home. What to do, when to do it? Shower, now! Yeah, soon, as soon as I finish this thing. I have a feeling that this is far too short, so I suppose that I will continue for a while.

You know, I have always wondered how people manage to sleep so early. Then again, I also have always wondered how people manage to sleep so late or not even do so at all. And how people who never have homework not get much sleep. all that. Did you know that if you don't sleep a certain number of hours per night, you get x number of days deducted from your lifetime? Although, if you think about it the way that I do (that is, if you're magnificent and brilliant like I am), that deduction does not pertain too much when (not if) the future is so uncertain anyway, right? Right. I know I'm right, so there is no need to waste time by having a discussion about this. That's something along the line of what the Spanish teacher once said about something she thought she was right about. Ah, what a funny woman. Weird funny, but still entertaining. When I care to listen, that is.

I actually do have a whole lot more about which to rant and/or complain, but my mother keeps telling me to go shower, which I know that I have to do in order to sleep on time and wake up on time. I have found my ride to the test! My aunt will drive me. Haha. Anyway.

I am going to get on with my life without you now.
And I shall do this again sometime in the near yet far-fetched future. Yes, I shall.

And a goodbye to you.


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