James I of England

That was the last answer I heard for the second to last clue for the first round of "Jeopardy".

Seemingly, "High School Musical 3: Senior Year" came out today! Agh, I do not understand why they had to have it out in theaters instead of just on television. Greedy, gluttonous businesspeople, darn it. Really, though. I bet they're going to be down there in the box office department. However interesting it does seem.

Gee, we need to go buy fruit again. I just had a gala apple (yes, a specific kind), and I miss nectarines! Nectarines, white or yellow, are delectable.

sigh. I am so lethargically exhausted right now. Have been for the past two weeks, actually. I've slept at midnight or later and woken up at 5:43 every morning! And it's not even like I get to sleep in tomorrow or Sunday because there's Deca workshop tomorrow and the 10K run on Sunday. Dagnabbit. Geez, seven thirty tomorrow and five thirty Sunday. What the stupid is up with that?!

-"I think I might be gay."

"Two and a Half Men" is such a funny show. I wonder if my English teacher likes it. In a way, it is educationally enriching. In irony and humor. Ha.
Hahaha, this guy is disappointed to be not gay. And the guy that he kissed in order to check whether he himself was gay is actually gay! And now he called himself a "heterosexual nutjob". Ah, how hilarious.

No on Proposition 8! It's so dumb. What teacher in his right mind would teach elementary children about gay marriage anyway? It's idiotically redundantly unnecessary to even have come up with such a proposition. A disposition is what it needs. Besides, what's wrong with gay marriage? It's legal and it's real, so you haters ought to deal! I mean, come on. You cannot deny the existence of something that's actually happening, especially not to children. It'd almost be synonymous to lying. Not that anybody actually cares. Goodness gracious. Shame on this dishonest and scrutinizing society.
Whatever makes people happy, right? And what does two people's marriage have anything to do with you stupid proposers anyway? Go mind your own beeswax.

Okay, I'm done with that bit now.

About "Wheel of Fortune", I wonder where Vanna gets all her dresses. If you haven't noticed, she wears a different, new dress for each episode! Now tell me how in the wardrobe that happens. Does she keep the dress and shoes? Or do they go back onto the rack of the designer, only to be worn by another "celebrity"? Interesting. I ought to find out one day. Perhaps it's online somewhere? (You never know, there are some vastly strange and random pieces of information available on the Internet.)

This weekend is going to be so full of... grr. Chemistry questions, math problems (dilemmas is more like it), English essay (this weekend, of all weekends), and a whole bunch of schtuff to study for Deca. Speaking of the latter subject, we had our "mock scrimmage" today. Took seven tests... It was supposed to be after school for about three and a half hours, but then I took it throughout the day because some of my teachers are actually nice enough to allow me to go and further enrich my education (more like failing 335 minus the few that I actually knew questions) instead of wasting time in class sitting there and willing for the period to be over already. Like I usually do in English and Spanish. Ha.

Lakers game! Yay! So I realized only a minute ago, really, that Derek Fisher never dunks! (Gee, I wonder why.) This Bynum guy is good. But where is Jordan Farmar? A game cannot be complete without Fardan. Hey, I see Sasha; what a cool name. And why has Luke Walton not been playing, huh? What is up with that? Ah, oh well. It's nice to see their nice, bright yellow uniforms (to be politically correct; although I always think of saying "costumes" instead).

So now we're alternating between "Two and a Half Men", "Wheel", basketball, and a Chinese show. What a night, what a night. Not really. I need sleep. Sleep I need.

Wow, this #17 just missed a free throw. How unconstitutional. And the crowd goes wild... for Lamar Odom! What a lefty of an athlete.
I notice that there are far many more people at this game than all the other preseason games I've watched.

Puns are so fun. Especially ones that involve time!
I seriously want to get a clock one day, hold it, and then say to somebody, "Look how much time I have on my hands!"
Ah, hahaha, I crack myself up.

Dang, Andrew Bynum is seven feet tall. That's two and one-third yards. Wait, let's just stick to seven feet; the latter sounds so much less (oxymoron).

So I realized today that I don't suck at cooking eggs. It's just that the pans we have here at home are too expensive and therefore suck too much for amateur cooking. What ever happened to simple pans, huh? I think I might just purchase a small, handy pan for myself before I go off to college. If they even have kitchens in the dormitories, because I certainly wouldn't know.

Okay, so I suppose that I will go and eat dinner now, since I've blogged for nearly an hour already and I need to eat dinner so I can shower so I can do a bit of work so I can sleep so I can rest so I can wake up on time tomorrow so I can go to workshoip so I can be bored so I can again fall asleep so I can wake up come lunchtime so I can eat so I can continue with workshop so I can go home around three so I can do whatever else for the rest of the day. Oh, shoot, I need to run tomorrow. Yes, NEED. I really do not know how I am going to run on Sunday. For 6.214 miles, not to mention. sigh. BIG sigh.

Yeah, okay, so I am going to comer now.
Until next time, which most likely will not be for an extremely long time (long, long week next week), good bye and farewell.


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