Harry S. Truman

That name just came to mind, is all. It is 7:13 P.M. and I am currently watching "Jeopardy", chatting to one person in particular, and doing this. The latter for the first time in a long time. I can honestly say that I've missed doing this.

Only a few minutes until dinner, though I am not really that hungry due to the roast beef/ pastrami sandwich I had earlier. What a manwich of a sandwich, that...sandwich. Speaking of food, I had three bananas today! Yum. So you can legitimately say that I had a potassium-enriched day. K-day! (Chemistry periodic table wise, that is.)

I cannot believe that oysters is a category on this show. What is up with that? I would "complain" about how random it is, but that's the point of this show. Random, trivial questions pertaining to nothing anybody really cares or much less thinks about. That's what it's called trivia! Get it? Trivial, trivia? Cool, huh?
Yeah, not particularly, but it's a thought.

Over the summer, I developed a profound fondness for green grapes. And I am still totally into green grapes. They're so good and so...convenient. No peel, no seeds (for seedless grapes, that is), no hassle. This is the best kind of fruit for indolence. Besides bananas. But with bananas, you have to get up and throw away the peel post-consumption, which thus adds to the pile of waste, which accumulates in your garbage can and will be transported to the landfill, a land filled with waste, which, believe it or not, does contribute to global warming, which ultimately will perilously lead us to the end of the world as we know it. Although, whatever kind of world we have now is already highly destructive and corrupted, but hey, whatever, right? As long as you and I are still here reading and writing, respectively. Then it's all good.
Kind of, not really. I just felt like being weird, once again.

Today is Wednesday. Do you know what that means? Yesterday was Tuesday and tomorrow is Thursday. And here I was about to say Friday. Ah, Friday. Stupid mock scrimmage. Why?! Why this Friday of all days, huh? Gosh, it just has to happen when I already had something perfect planned. Gee.
Please pause for a commercial break as your wonderful hostess takes a hiatus.

Here I am again, at 9:16. Quite a long break, I know.

I discovered that I have much too much homework to do and that I am much too busy, so I have decided that I will do this again some other time. In the meantime, go find yourself something at which to be enlightened and awed. Good luck (even though I don't believe in luck).

Farewell, all.


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