
Twenty years from now, I will be, hopefully, still alive. Hopefully, global warming will not have taken its deathly course and toll on this momentarily beautiful Earth; and hopefully, there will still be enough trees standing to intake our carbon dioxide and provide us with oxygen; hopefully, the sun will not have burned out and become a tiny, minuscule ball of nothingness, of obscurity, in the midst of a vastly deep and dark galaxy by then. If, by then, these situations of adversity have not dawned upon us, I will be a writer, and a lively one, at that. I will write, write, write; words by day, words by night and create a majestical masterpiece that readers will recognize and fall in love with at first sight...

That was written yesterday in history class. One of my friends in yearbook wanted me to write a "unique" story, and since I didn't want to do that so-called active reading in class, I just wrote that instead. Of course, he didn't accept it. But I just thought I'd share it with you. It's supposed to be humorous, by the way. Those who read it didn't even laugh! People these days, they just don't know how to appreciate good literature. I call it literature. My literature! :)

On a different note, as much as I dislike being in English class (surprise, surprise), I always hear quotables from the teacher. One such is: "Everyday of your life, everyday of the rest of our lives, we are tested in some way or fashion." We were talking about challenges yesterday, and how they make a character in a story. I have so much English homework this weekend, by the way, none of which I have begun. I haven't even finished reading the book that pertains to the assignments! I tried to read it today, but I just fell asleep. Don't get me wrong, it's not a boring book, it's just that I was so very tired. Still am, actually. I still need to go shower, finish the book or do some other assignment. I think that I might be up quite late tomorrow night. I hate staying up late. It's such a lonely activity! Homework is a lonely activity. When I do it alone, that is. Which is, well, almost all the time!

Why, why, why must there be so much homework this weekend? Or, well, anytime, that is. I hate how sometimes I don't have any homework at all (except math), and then other times, there's an entire pile avalanching (nope, not a legit word) down on me. What the stupid. Seriously. It rather infuriates me sometimes.

I need to start running again. I tried to earlier today, but I could barely go two times around the block we usually do without stopping. The next run is 10k in wherever. I cannot wait til its arrival, but I need to "train"! Necesito entrenarme. Really.
Speaking of Spanish, Spanish class is so ridiculous. It's like a freaking zoo in there! It's always so very loud, and nobody ever really listens to the teacher. Nobody even takes the class seriously, so it seems, which is quite sad. But what can I do about it? Except do all my work, that is.

It occurred to me recently that I could actually like calculus. Maybe I kind of do. Probably because I actually understand stuff considerably quicker now. I wonder why. No, not really, because I already know why. And you shan't! Haha.

It's now 8:32, and I know that I should be doing homework homework homework, but here I still am. I really don't want to do it anymore! But what else is there to do, right? Gee, the life of an American student who cares.

Talk about short paragraphs.

I'm feeling lazy tonight, so I'll stop here. Not like I have anything else to say anyway.

"I hope life's not a big joke, because I don't get it."


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