
I was supposed to go to the doctor's today to get a flu shot and to get my physical form thing filled out. I was dreading it, because I absolutely despise going to the doctor's office, particularly that one, although there's nothing really that bad about it. It's just all the crying infants and those baby germs. But when I got there, it was closed. Apparently, they aren't open on Wednesdays, which is so dumb, because who doesn't open on Wednesdays?! Now I have to find another day I can go back and get the shot before it's too late (it takes about two weeks for the vaccine or whatever it is to start working). Gosh darn it. I despise going there, but I despise even more having to reschedule! What the stupid.

There is no school tomorrow, and surprisingly, I don't have that much homework. I think; I hope. It's not like I have anything better to do tomorrow, though, so whatever. Homework it is, I guess. I'd much rather do homework than pay (really) a visit to a doctor who sometimes in a way creeps me out. Not really creeping me out, but his sense of humor is just strange. Hmm, on to a different topic. Such as what?
sigh. I'm afraid I have begun to bore both myself and you already.

I'm so very sleepy right now! I want to go nap before going to run. Hopefully we'll go run around six tonight. When it's not as hot. What is up with this heat anyway? It's autumn, and heat like this at this time of year is just plain unconstitutional, I tell you.

Here I am now, a couple of hours later because I really didn't know what to say earlier. I went to run for about three-quarters of an hour, but today I didn't really run the entire time, because I was just so darned tired! I'm going to run again tomorrow, hopefully. And actually run the entire way! Well, not the entire entire way, but for most of it, because, well, it's called a run for a reason, yes? Yes, most certainly.

This apple that I am currently eating is so delicious. Seriously, I haven't had an apple this good in a long time. I actually haven't had an apple at all in a long time. I guess now is the time! Yummy. Green grapes and gala apples are the way the go.

Hmm. So tomorrow, I shall be productive with homework. Have I mentioned how much I love waking up early when I don't have to? Because then I feel like I have so many more hours in the day, whereas when I wake up at, say, ten, you can say that I wasted three hours sleeping. Although, time can never be considered wasted in the situation of sleep. Unless you do it all the time, then you should just go some place or something! Who sleeps all day anyway? It's unhealthy. Those people need sunlight and socialization (yes, that coming from an anti-social person... no, I'm not really antisocial).
And sometime in the afternoon, we (yes, WE, whoever that wonderful pronoun may be comprised of) shall watch a movie! "Griffin and Phoenix", I think. We'll see how that works out. But so far, it's been working out excellently.
I just adore how everything always works out in the end. In one way or another, we get what we want. If not all of it, at least a little bit. Really, that is what I believe. And that is me being an "optimist", I guess you can say.

The presidential debates are so interesting to watch, although from what I have heard, yesterday's was quite unexciting. I haven't watched any one the whole way through, though, so I really wouldn't know. I just love argument. Productive and intellectual argument, that is. In other words, debate. What a way to work the mind.

Hmm, so I think that this shall be about it for today, since I have been only chatting online (with my sister, who is only two feet away from me...) for the past hour or so in lieu of doing this.

Even though I do have things to talk about tonight, I'll just save them for next time. Or keep them to myself, I guess. Whatever, whichever.

Until next time...
enjoy your day off.

Jordan Farmar is awesome!
#5 ftw! :)


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