Drive My Soul
The end of yet another month is approaching, and I realize that I have barely blogged this month. Very sparse blogging. My apologies on that, if you actually anticipate regular blogs.
8:25 in the evening it is now, and I am doing only this and listening to songs. As well as chatting online, of course. But it's with only one person, give or take a few dying on the side conversations here and there. More of there than here.
Currently I am thinking about the homework that I have to do. Though it doesn't seem much, I am sure that it will take quite a while to write four sentences. It's not easy trying to condense an entire page or two's worth of text into four sentences that cover the whole thing, you know. You ought to try it or something or something. I'm sure you'd have fun. And then with the other homework...I feel like I have so much to do this weekend!
Tomorrow is Halloween. No offense, but what kind of a fool cares about Halloween? It isn't even a real holiday. I ought to Wikipedia Halloween or something soon, just to criticize its legitimacy...or lack thereof. I dislike Halloween, actually. It's so stupid! The costume thing, too. What is up with that? I disagree when people say that Halloween is the one day of the year when you can be somebody other than yourself and not receive degradations for it. I mean, get real and accept that you will always be a target of criticism no matter what day of the year it is. Or whatever. I don't really care much.
I just keep feeling like today is Friday, which isn't good, because this mentality is making me not want to do anything right now. For tonight. Agh, not good.
SAT on Saturday. Oh, my. Well, not the SAT, but just the subject test. Just?! No, no, not just. I cannot say that. I will just tell you honestly that I have not studied the least bit for any of it. Any of it! I don't know how I am going to improve my score with like, six hours of studying. Not even six. Gosh. And I don't know how I am going to get a good score with absolutely ZERO hours of study. You just have to wonder sometimes. And pray to Tlaloc or something. (Tlaloc is the Olmec god of the rain...the rain deity, whatever. Don't ask me how I know.)
Guavas. I came home about an hour and a half ago, and the first thing I saw was two white grocery bags filled fully with guavas. And I've been in the midst of a guava scented prison (just kidding) since then. Not that I mind at all. Have you ever tried guava juice? Let me tell you, it is delectable. Yummy. Seriously.
Then again, people have told me that I have weird taste buds. Well, you know, maybe it's you and not me! Then again, maybe it is me and not you.
During history class today we went to the mock presidential election hosted by one of the academies whose name is way too long for me to want to take the effort to type but which I have wasted because I am typing so much more right now than I would have had I only typed its name. Anyway, it was so insipid! That took away twenty minutes of my life. What the rip off? Oh, well. So I voted for Obama and Biden (Obiden!). It occurred to me only after I turned in the ballot that I should have voted for an ambiguous person. Then it occurred to me as we returned to our classroom that maybe lots of people thought of doing and did do that, too, and it could possibly turn out that one of those ambiguous persons wins! How cool that would be, I cannot even begin to try to help you comprehend. Yeah, I'll just tell you it doesn't matter, because it's just a mock election that nobody really even cares about. There you go!
Okay, I'm beginning to feel bad about not having done any homework since I got home, so I shall go take a shower now and then commence a most daunting duty with the very oxymoronic name of "homework". Gosh.
Until next time, whenever next time may turn out to be,
You know you love me!
XOXO, blahblahblah
8:25 in the evening it is now, and I am doing only this and listening to songs. As well as chatting online, of course. But it's with only one person, give or take a few dying on the side conversations here and there. More of there than here.
Currently I am thinking about the homework that I have to do. Though it doesn't seem much, I am sure that it will take quite a while to write four sentences. It's not easy trying to condense an entire page or two's worth of text into four sentences that cover the whole thing, you know. You ought to try it or something or something. I'm sure you'd have fun. And then with the other homework...I feel like I have so much to do this weekend!
Tomorrow is Halloween. No offense, but what kind of a fool cares about Halloween? It isn't even a real holiday. I ought to Wikipedia Halloween or something soon, just to criticize its legitimacy...or lack thereof. I dislike Halloween, actually. It's so stupid! The costume thing, too. What is up with that? I disagree when people say that Halloween is the one day of the year when you can be somebody other than yourself and not receive degradations for it. I mean, get real and accept that you will always be a target of criticism no matter what day of the year it is. Or whatever. I don't really care much.
I just keep feeling like today is Friday, which isn't good, because this mentality is making me not want to do anything right now. For tonight. Agh, not good.
SAT on Saturday. Oh, my. Well, not the SAT, but just the subject test. Just?! No, no, not just. I cannot say that. I will just tell you honestly that I have not studied the least bit for any of it. Any of it! I don't know how I am going to improve my score with like, six hours of studying. Not even six. Gosh. And I don't know how I am going to get a good score with absolutely ZERO hours of study. You just have to wonder sometimes. And pray to Tlaloc or something. (Tlaloc is the Olmec god of the rain...the rain deity, whatever. Don't ask me how I know.)
Guavas. I came home about an hour and a half ago, and the first thing I saw was two white grocery bags filled fully with guavas. And I've been in the midst of a guava scented prison (just kidding) since then. Not that I mind at all. Have you ever tried guava juice? Let me tell you, it is delectable. Yummy. Seriously.
Then again, people have told me that I have weird taste buds. Well, you know, maybe it's you and not me! Then again, maybe it is me and not you.
During history class today we went to the mock presidential election hosted by one of the academies whose name is way too long for me to want to take the effort to type but which I have wasted because I am typing so much more right now than I would have had I only typed its name. Anyway, it was so insipid! That took away twenty minutes of my life. What the rip off? Oh, well. So I voted for Obama and Biden (Obiden!). It occurred to me only after I turned in the ballot that I should have voted for an ambiguous person. Then it occurred to me as we returned to our classroom that maybe lots of people thought of doing and did do that, too, and it could possibly turn out that one of those ambiguous persons wins! How cool that would be, I cannot even begin to try to help you comprehend. Yeah, I'll just tell you it doesn't matter, because it's just a mock election that nobody really even cares about. There you go!
Okay, I'm beginning to feel bad about not having done any homework since I got home, so I shall go take a shower now and then commence a most daunting duty with the very oxymoronic name of "homework". Gosh.
Until next time, whenever next time may turn out to be,
You know you love me!
XOXO, blahblahblah