
I slept at almost 2:30 last night (because I had trouble falling asleep again) and woke up at 7:57, only to fell back asleep on and off until 9:14. I suck at sleeping nowadays. I mean, even on days I don't have work, I end up sleeping later and waking up at almost the same time. What the heck is up with that?!

Two days ago, I found out that the youth program actually ends on September 7, which means that I work until that day, which means I have two weeks less of vacation. Which means I have two weeks of vacation. If that. So while everybody else is happy that they get to get paid more, I am mad because I get to rest less!
As of now, I have had three dreams about work. The office lead--the one I was covering for my first two weeks in the office--said that that's an indication that I work too much. Now there's a wonder!

Speaking of dreams, I really have been dreaming almost every night since I watched "Inception". How scary. And yesterday, I had deja vu at one point... Gave me the heebie jeebies.

So it looks like my plans with J and W (and the female J) are finally falling through this time. While it frustrates me to no end when plans don't fall through, I'm so happy when they do. Pleasant, pleasant, good days.

More later about my day with my friends. :)


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