The Boiling Crab

Tonight, we went to The Boiling Crab on Main Street in Alhambra. Immensely glad I am that I remembered to suggest it when we were deciding where to go for dinner. We waited a while, but the meal was worth every minute's wait. Even better, it was worth more than every dollar paid. Twenty-something for seriously excellent seafood and quick service?! That's my kind of food fantasy. And I might sound so fat right now, but the great thing is that I don't feel fat. Unlike when I finish eating McDonald's or something. The one-pound of shrimp with the whole sha-bang seasoning was amazing. The fried catfish basket with Cajun fries was not as amazing as the shrimp, but amazing nonetheless. Heck, even the corn on the cob was good! Gosh, good stuff. I highly recommend this place to anyone who is not allergic to seafood.

This morning, I woke up at 9:00 because W called me to invite me to Universal Studios, but I declined despite the $20 ticket because 1) I don't have money, and 2) I'm not that spontaneous! And I don't like Universal Studios very much. Then I tried to fall back asleep, but only started to think about things, so I couldn't fall asleep. So I got up, did my morning routines, and started reading. Yay.
Around 10:45, I went to the Dash stop a block down from home and expected to wait only about twenty minutes or so for the next bus to come. Darn the Dash for not even really running every half hour! Twenty minutes became almost forty when the bus finally arrived. I had been wondering why the girl in front of me was holding a quarter AND a dime, when at one point on the bus I looked up and saw a fare change notice: 35 cents, effective August 1. Oops. I smiled shyly to myself because I hadn't been aware and thus had put in only a quarter. Obviously, the bus driver hadn't noticed. But I'll make sure to remember this next time.
I got to N's in twenty-five minutes (including the walk) and then had half of a pastrami/ roast beef sandwich from Eastside for lunch. Yum. That was an acceptable replacement for Dino's, which we still need to accomplish at this point.

Oh, heck. I don't know if I will ever find another restaurant that can give me the same pure satisfaction that The Boiling Crab does. I was seriously on cloud nine while de-shelling the saucy shrimp, dipping the crisp catfish in sauce, sipping the ice-cold water... Goodness. Awesome goodness.

So, after dinner, I wanted to practice parallel parking, which I learned yesterday from mine truly, but he wouldn't let me! Darn it.

I would like to buy a lottery ticket on my last day of work. Yay.
And go to Morongo before I start school.
Oh, I also need to go dorm shopping... And take care of my BruinCard. I have no idea how to deposit money on that thing. I actually realized yesterday how little of everything I know nowadays and how bad that is. Seemingly, I have been in my own little world where outside knowledge is strictly outside and none of my business even if it ought to be. Like school stuff. I hope that made sense.

Now it's time to shower. After I shower, I will create a Yelp account and start writing reviews of the restaurants I go to. Maybe I'll write just one for tonight. And to culminate my great dinner of a day, I will read.

Great food is like great sex. The more you have the more you want.
~Gael Greene


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