
At 9:30, I spontaneously went to Yogurtland with V because I was too bored and hadn't planned to do anything useful anyway. The frozen yogurt was tremendous bliss to my taste buds. I hadn't gone there in a long while, and they just so happened to have my favorite flavors tonight: peach, mango, lemonade-passionfruit, vanilla wafer. Yummy yummy for my tummy.
And the talk wasn't half bad, either. We asked very few questions but received extremely long responses from one another, which I appreciate. Anyway, I'm glad that short and sweet (haha) event took place, or else my day of utter boredom would have miserably and pathetically continued.

Even though I had things to do at work today, I was just so darn bored! Strangely, I wasn't even thinking of anything to un-bore myself. And now I'm blogging a boring post! This is quite uncharacteristic of me. Uncharacteristic meaning, it hasn't happened in a while.

Last night, I finally organized all the items in and on my desk. Now it looks so clearly nice! Such a contrast to the pile of mess before.

Tomorrow and Wednesday, I work in the galleries at work. I'm excited because I haven't been down from the office for a full day in almost an entire month. I'm eager to once again greet guests in person and walk around instead of sit and sort and staple paper all day long. Actually, I won't be walking around much tomorrow because I'm stationed at the donation box, which is one of my favorite places because in that location, I'm essentially the face of the Science Center (I know what you're thinking, and I'll laugh along) and I get to be my friendliest self! Yay. Well, it's not nearly so much that as it doesn't get boring over there. Then on Thursday, I'll be back in the office.
Like I said in the speech I gave during the youth program meeting on Friday, I feel like I am getting the best of both worlds. In my first job, I am getting customer service experience on top of office experience. "How fortunate I am to have found my pot of gold in my very first job." To which the audience "aww"ed. Yes, most of them were women. Haha.

In any case, I shall end this here now. I hope I have more interesting, juicy topics to write about next time.


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