Said and Done: Bronze

So, I just got back from the Awards Banquet at the LA Convention Center... I'm quite disappointed, but hey, it's only my first year, so I suppose I did okay. I got a bronze medal for interview. Gee, if I hadn't gotten nervous and hesitated as much, I probably would have gotten silver. And so much for art and music... Oh well. It was pretty fun, though, the banquet. We did some screaming/cheering for our teammates and for other schools, as well. Palisades won first place overall. Yay, Palisades! No, seriously. That did not contain sarcasm. Ah, I'm contemplating transferring over to El Camino or Palisades...maybe North Hollywood... Ha. Just kidding. I'm perfectly content with where I am. Though I really cannot say the same for how I did. But again, this was only my first time. I think sometimes, I'm too hard on myself. But most other times, I'm too easy on myself. Way too much so. Anyway... (sigh)
I did get to see Mr Essay Guy, but only from afar, unfortunately. I wanted to go to his table and say hi, but then I couldn't really see where he was, then when I saw that he was sitting down, my friends were leaving me! So...I, being my idiotically wimpy self, followed them! Argh. I'm going to miss him. Even though I've only seen the guy like, three or four times my entire life. Again, (sigh)...

I seriously fall in so easily. Good thing I fall back out just as or even more easily. Maybe that's a good thing. I don't know. In some cases, I suppose it is.
Hmm, I smell good ;) And I'm eating a pear.
You know what? I feel strangely ecstatic at the moment. Even though I'm still sort of disappointed in ONE BRONZE MEDAL.
I will do better next year! That's not only a statement, but a DECLARATION. A DECLARATION OF...doing better in Deca next year and the years to come. Actually, I only have two more years left. So, um...yeah. Next year and the one thereafter.

Agh, I feel so happy and disappointed at the same time. But I think the happYness is winning this battle! Too bad I'm going to sleep soon. If it was daytime, I could find so many (fun) things to do to celebrate. Oh, wait. Let me rearticulate that: "celebrate". There you go.

I am such a lame-o sometimes. I'm just saying...
I was just eating a tangerine/orange-like citrus fruit...and I think I must have swallowed a seed or something, because I totally feel a lump thing in my throat. And it sure ain't nice, if anything.

Ah, I feel oh so energetic. I don't want to go to sleep. (gasp) I had two cups of black coffee at the banquet...Maybe that's why! Ah! Wow, I am clever.

Hmm, I think I'm going to stop writing now. It's actually been intermittent typing in here, considering that I'm having AIM conversations, as well. I hope I dream of...M.E.G.!

Bye, everyone! :)


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