Now You Know

Last night, I decided that I would use song titles for the majority of post titles from now on. Until I declare otherwise, that is.

I've been consuming a lot of Milk and Cereal for the past two days. And also last night, I thought, "Wow, some cereals have the lamest slogans." I was thinking "Cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs" from the song "Milk and Cereal", and then I came up with that thought. Um, yeah. I had some things to elaborate on that with, but I've forgotten them, seeing as how nearly twelve hours have past since those thoughts.

So, yesterday, I said that I didn't have much to say, but about ten minutes after I posted, I realized that I had SO MUCH MORE on my mind, one of which is the following:
We now have "Smaller Learning Communities" (SLC) at school. And let me just be completely blunt here: I completely detest it. I mean, I was perfectly at good terms with "houses" last year, because there really wasn't any difference, as far as I could see. Now, we have "academies," for which we have to "decide our 'majors'" and stick to them for the rest of our high school years. And it's not as if the "majors" are like, sufficient or whatever, either. The five are medical, humanities, business/government, arts/media, and engineering. I don't even know if I have them right. Which just goes to show how much I really care, right? Anyway, you'd think that journalism would go with English, but no... English is part of humanities, whereas journalism is in arts/media. So I chose arts/media just to go for the media. I really think it's truly dumb. What's with the "smaller learning communities" if the school is STILL GOING TO HAVE THE SAME FREAKING LARGE POPULATION? Want to improve the learning community? HOW ABOUT BETTER TEACHERS (no offense to the teachers... much.) or something? MORE EFFICIENT TEXTBOOKS/ TECHNOLOGY? Huh? How about that? Gosh. The other day, I was actally considering transferring to another school. But about an hour after that epiphany, I chastisted myself for such a radical thought.

On a much different note, the weather is bipolar. That's a statement, not an opinion. Hmm, now that I think about it, I wonder if psychologists analyze the behavior of mother nature (Ought that really be capitalized?). I mean, meteorologists do, obviously. Oh, and another conclusion I have just come to: weather forecasters probably don't even do meteorology. They most likely just read from whatever's behind the camera or whatever lines they've memorized prior to getting in front of the camera. I get the feeling I'm being extremely cynical and/or dubious today. And I don't quite know why.
Speaking of cameras, though, the phrase "candid camera" comes to mind. How candid can a camera be? I'm sure you've heard (of) the quote "A picture is worth a thousand words." But they're not always the right words. (sigh)

I have (almost) officially memorized two songs now! Two down, three to go... And I have five days left, not counting today or the day of.

For Deca, we will be presenting our "I am fabulous because..." speech tomorrow. I wrote my speech in about half an hour while at my piano teacher's home yesterday, and I must say it's pretty good. Albeit the somewhat lame beginning. (Why am I saying "lame" so often? I must stop., here I come.)
Hi, I'm ___, and I must insist that I am a fabulous person. I'm thinking you're thinking, "Well, what makes her so fabulous?" So I stand before you today to address this issue.
I am fabulous because I write. I write poems full of meaning, essays filled with conviction, and short stories true to life. Blogging is another activity I often tend to. My blog is named "Days of My Life" with subheading "Some days are fascinating and exciting, others are tedious and boring. Here are sporadic blogs of days of my life."
(something like that. I didn't have the availability of this at the time.) Some of my readers have told me that I am an "amazing writer" and that the way I write is "really pretty." Well, I try!
I am fabulous because I tell good jokes. Most strangers deem me shy and quiet, but I'm actually quite a funny gal. I can tell a variety of jokes, from corny/cheesy (What is with the food adjectives, anyway?) to intellectual and witty. I know how to make people laugh, how to lighten up a gloomy mood. I love knowing that I made somebody feel better because it makes me feel better.
Scott Buchanon once wisely asked, "Have you persuaded yourself that there are knowledges and truths beyond your grasp, things you simply cannot learn? Have you allowed failure to force you to conclude that you are not mathematical, not linguistic, not poetic, not scientific, not philosophical?" then replied, "If you have allowed this to happen, you have carelessly imposed limits on your intellectual freedom. And you have smothered the fires from which all other freedoms arise."
(Gotta love HIPP workshops.) I am fabulous because I am mathematical (to a certain extent), linguistic, poetic, scientific, and philosophical. And I have not persuaded myself of otherwise.
I am fabulous in so many other ways, but most of all, I am fabulous because I am me, ____.

I like the conclusion ;)
Oh, and the blank lines are where you insert my name. Yeah, I don't like mentioning my name here, for "privacy" reasons. Although you'd probably be thinking, "Well, this isn't really private, seeing as how it's right on her profile and such..." Well, still.
Good rebuttal, huh?

Anyway, I think I've wasted more than enough time here on the computer. I still have a whole bunch of homework to get to. There's a whole line of it waiting for me here.


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