Half Asleep

Never wide awake
Nothing I can really grasp

Those lines really apply to me for chemistry class. Today in first period, I took two Tylenols (Yes, I'm sick. Have been since Monday, actually. Thanks, you dumb flu shot.) as my friend then advised me to (I usually take one only.)... and then in second period, I started getting a headache and wanted so badly to sleep. Well, admittedly, I'm always half asleep in that class. But today was a different case of sleepiness! It was weird...and the headache lasted until the end of third period. See if I'm ever taking two pills at the same time in the daytime again! Psh.

Hmm, so Deca seems pretty boring now. There are a lot of "new people", and all but one of the seniors have gone. Which is sad. Because I was hoping that this would be the time when we'd all get to connect. On a mental level. It would have been nice...Or, at least, I'm hoping so. Well, now I should say "was" because they're gone. Agh, I think I miss them. I'm probably never going to see them after June... :(

I truly despise being sick. All those tissues...Germs... Tylenol! Grr.

I'll add more to this at a later time. I'm attempting all sorts of communications right now: blogging (communicating with you), chatting on AIM, and talking on the phone. Interesting, right?
Yeah, I thought so.


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