Disappointed Much?

I'm pretty disappointed, but I'm okay. I got a B in both math and chem. I got 60% on the math final...not too surprising there. Geez, I so could have done better/ could have done so much better. I went from my 90.5 to 83.5. Nice, huh? What a steep drop. Ah, at least I didn't splat...much. I don't know how I did on the second part of the chem exam, but it mustn't (I realize that I rarely see this word in writing...and now I know why.) have been too well. My 90.8 that reduced to 89.6 diminished to 88.2 or something around there. I missed the "bump-up" by three points. Not percentage points, but points. I was pretty disappointed about chem. Not as much for math, though, because I already knew I'd blown the final. Just like I did last semester for trig. Oh, wow. There must be something wrong with me. I haven't gotten pure, straight A's since eighth grade now. Hmm, something's telling me that I probably shouldn't have said that... But I can't go and backspace it now, because then I wouldn't be saying what I mean, or what I have to say. (sigh)

Deca competition is tomorrow. And I barely studied anything during the Cram Session we had today. My knowledge is essentially fixated on art and music. And, well, that's basically it. Out of the SEVEN events. But the most important thing tonight is getting enough sleep. And I think that I should ensure that I do just that. Sleep, yay. We all have to be at UCLA by 6:15 A.M. The morning! Before the sun even rises! You know, I think I've gotten to be a lot more open in blogging now. Not that I wasn't open before, but I think I've gotten more comfortable with sharing details. Did you notice? Did you, did you? Probably (not)... Oh, well.

Agh, I'm highly disappointed. I don't suppose I'm feeling any sentiment whatsoever for tomorrow. Not even apprehension or anxiety.
I know what I know; if I don't know it, I don't know it. I'll just do my best.
That's what our coach tells us, anyway.

Hmm, I wonder if I'll see Mr. Birmingham or EssayGuy tomorrow... I really hope to see the latter! (Just because he's "newer"... Okay, that sounded like it was from a person who totally lacks compassion...) Anyway, 10-12 hours of testing. Joy, joy, joy...

It has become apparent that I've become accustomed to my 5-in-the-afternoon naps. I was "working" (a.k.a. volunteering) today; actually, I began studying a little before 5. Then I started getting extremely sleepy and felt like just going to sleep on that metal chair I was sitting on. But of course, I didn't. I kept studying like the studious student I am! From time to time...

I've come to realize that support is very important. Support from family, friends, classmates, teachers... Since I doubt that I can make what I wish to say make sense (because I can't even put it to words myself), I'll just take the opposite approach. What if we didn't have support? Of any kind, from anyone? Would we be better off? Most likely not.
Hmm, "support" could be a good topic for impromptu speech... Interesting. Mighty interesting.

"Silence is golden." That's synaesthesia. "Silence is defeaning" is an oxymoron with a linking verb in between. I love literature. Or, as my eighth grade (What's with mentioning the eighth grade here today?) English teacher used to say, "Literature is lovely!"

Oh, goodness gracious. I feel bad. Because this must have been completely boring for you to read. I just didn't have anything good to say today, seeing as how it was quite uneventful. But I'm sure that something good (or at least different) is in store for tomorrow.


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