I'd Never Thought

I'd never thought I'd never see you again
Never thought I'd miss you so much
I'd never thought that this would end
Never thought that you'd be gone

It used to be so hard to even imagine
Because we both were so determined
To hang on, to hold on
To keep being strong in not letting us fall
Little did we know
You were soon to let go
I've never thought you'd give up
What happened to forever, what happened to us

I'd never thought I'd never see you again
Never thought I'd miss you so much
I'd never thought that this would end
Never thought that you'd be gone

You left me here all alone
To cry an ocean of tears in the cold
I'm desperately trying to figure out
What this is truly all about
What we had was so good
But I must have misunderstood
All those words that you said
The forgiveness and the regrets
Must have been too much
Because I know that if you could, you would
Have held on
And kept being strong
Held on
And not let us fall

I'd never thought I'd never see you again
Never thought I'd miss you so much
I'd never thought that this would end
Never thought that you'd be gone

I'd just never thought so...

So I wrote that yesterday in the dark on the bus getting home after school (that was A LOT of prepositions). "I'm not just a lonely girl living in a lonely world getting on the midnight train going anywhere." I love that line, although it's not exactly the...exact lines, but it's just a few pronouns that I changed. The only person who read it directly from my notebook said that it was nice and sad. Haha, how nice.
Like always, I have a horrendous plethora of tarea today, and the only assignment I've finished is math. Okay, I just glanced to my right and saw my English grammar book open. Yikes. (I realize that I have never said that word prior to this moment.) And I have tonight and tomorrow evening to memorize two songs for my piano exam on Saturday at Whittier College. Yay... To be honest, I can't wait to get it over with, and to be honest, I don't mind if I don't "pass," since I know that I have never practiced anyway. But I'm keeping my hopes up there somewhere. Actually, I can't wait for this weekend to be over, so that I can have a whole bunch lifted off my mind. That is, until the AP exam in May. There was something in April, too, I'm sure...but I've forgotten what it is. After this piano exam, I'll have a lot more free time to look forward to, so yay for me.

So I came up with a newly random hypothesis about two days ago:
If a guy has nice penmanship, then he is a nice person.
Not saying that if you don't have nice penmanship, you're not a nice person. I'm just being specific to nice penmanship people....er, guys, in this case. I would have added "most likely", but then that would have devalued the hypothesis. I will refute my hypothesis once I discover a guy with nice penmanship and but a not so nice personality.
I also came up with a new random question to ask (I haven't come up with a new one in a long time.) -- Would you rather be weird in a funny way or funny in a weird way?

Okay, I'm getting extremely sidetracked with AIM and phone calls and thinking about the things I need to do after this. So I suppose this is it for today.
Good morning, good afternoon, good evening, good night. Whenever you're reading this.


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