If Your Heart's Not In It

If your heart's not in it for real
Please don't try to fake what you don't feel
'Cause I would give the whole world to you
Anything you ask of me, I'd do...

That's a copyrighted song, not one of my personal creations.

So, the exam is tomorrow. For both piano and poli sci. I don't think I'm going to bother studying for the latter. As for the former, I started practicing about two minutes after I got home after school until almost 6 pm for dinner, then I went to shower, and now I am here, blogging, supposing that doing so will alleviate some stress (not that I'm really stressing...) or something along that line. My hair is literally dripping wet. (Too much information.)
I was supposed to get well by Tuesday, but I'm still somewhat sick. I've been taking one Tylenol every night before I go to sleep. Until last night, I thought that I didn't have to, because I was getting better. Gee, what a bad decision. I woke up this morning with slight sinus congestion and had a headache from second through fifth periods. And let me tell you, headaches aren't the most pleasant thing to have when one is trying to learn.

As with the Deca competition almost a month ago, I don't feel nervous about the exam tomorrow. But seeing as how tomorrow is not a team effort and that I will most definitely be flying SOLO, I will most likely have about an hour or so of nervous time right before I play. Oh, as of this very moment, I have three and a half songs memorized. One with common sense would sensibly ask, "Well then, what are you still doing here blogging?!" And this is my answer: Because I'm like this. Okay, that was quite vague. But anyway, I think I've got that topic done with for tonight. I mean, in writing here, anyway. Wow, I just used "anyway" twice in a row, not including this time...
Oh, yeah. I've been waking up with the strangest first thoughts in the early mornings. It was either today or yesterday when my thought was, "I need to find myself new words to replace seriously, actually, anyway..." The day before was an even more random thought, but I've long since forgotten that. We'll see what tomorrow's will be.

Pineapples, watermelons, and bananas...

Haha, I'd love to write a little something about those three "fruits". If you're wondering about the quotation marks, don't. Or, well, who am I to tell you not to do something? I'm not your mother! (And I sure am glad not to be, either.)

Really, I cannot wait to have this weekend over with. I'm actually (there I go again) excited for tomorrow! Okay, I'm getting...excited here, just thinking about being excited. If that made any human sense.

I do have a lot more to write about tonight, but I have to cut this short to practice piano and such. So, I will for sure update tomorrow.


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