Good Day

Sometimes, I like to start my day by listening to this positively upbeat song while walking down the Hedrick stairway on the way to work at the law school. Although I did not start my day with this song today because I didn't have work in the morning (and woke up at 11:05, yay!), I had a good day. It was a wonderful day. Today was actually the best day I have had in a long while, and you know what? I think I deserved it. :)

I think today's absolute positivism started yesterday after my midterm, which did not go too badly. I now wonder why I was freaking out so much the night before... probably because I hadn't started seriously studying until then, haha. Just like usual... I should change that. But I say that every time! In any case, I just felt so free! My day on campus ended at 5 instead of 6 because there was no discussion after the midterm. And then I just went back to my room because I felt too tired to go to the gym. I had planned to nap (either fall asleep to reading or fall asleep to "One Tree Hill"), but I ended up watching "The Vampire Diaries" and making a spontaneous plan (oxymoron alert!) to go to dinner in Westwood with a friend. And go to dinner and enjoy it we (at least I) did! It was so pleasant, and I had a delicious calzone (which turned cold and not too delicious anymore after I brought up a certain topic and serious conversation just continued from there on). When I got back to my dorm, I just caught up on "Gossip Girl" instead of read and all of that. I had planned on reading and starting my paper, but you know, sometimes things just come up. And I'm glad dinner in Westwood came up. :)
Today, as previously mentioned, I woke up at 11, packed my stuff, then went to lunch at Feast, where there was salmon teriyaki bowl, of which I had three! And the egg drop soup was surprisingly delicious (the soup was extremely salty every other time before today). And although I did not pick up any tea, the lunch was delicious. And then I went to work, where I thought I would be extremely frustrated, but it was not so at all. I even chatted with my boss for a bit, which was pleasant because we don't do that often, if at all... From there, I went home, and despite traffic, I was still in a good mood, because I was excited to see P for the first time since spring break! We met at church (where I stopped by at ROCK to say hello) and went to Commuter's in Monterey Park and had an utmost pleasant dinner in an open outside area of a plaza. Whoever came up with that idea is a genius. The weather was perfect for that kind of thing, too. Around ten, we headed back to church, where we sat and chatted some more. Then I came home, showered, and talked with my good Shanghai friend for almost two hours! And now I'm even blogging! Sigh, I've had such a lightheartedly good day in a long time.
Nor have I explicated my day like this in a long time! Haha.

And tomorrow... I probably won't wake up for AATP (I'm so lazy, I know), but when I do wake up, I'm going to take the car to the auto repair shop on Broadway, where hopefully somebody can finally replace my passenger door handle (which most of you probably know about by now)... THEN! I'm going to have a late lunch with P--some more quality time. :)
At some point during the weekend, I should start that English paper that's due on Monday... But I don't feel any rush to do it because the professor said that it's due Monday only if we want comments back with the grade in two weeks. Otherwise, we can turn it in at any time until the last day of class! Talk about a good deal. I think I'll take up that offer, actually... I'd really rather just read for my other English class.

My living situation has finally been resolved. Last week, I met with some girls through mutual friends; early this week, we met again to look at an apartment unit, and although we really should have applied by now, I'm no longer at the same discouraging, worrying position I was the week before. I'm so glad and fortunate that I have friends who are willing to and actually actively do these things to help me. :) And I don't know if I've mentioned this before, but I found out about these girls the day right after I started to really, really worry and got discouraged about the whole (lack of) living situation.
For a moment, I smiled at the thought that a higher power (namely, God) had stepped in and just provided me with a solution. And (new and potentially) good friends.
Funnily enough, I felt that again several days ago, when something pretty big had just happened, and V texted me after we hadn't texted for a few months. I was taken aback.
It's moments like these--although I hadn't felt one of these in a long while before these past two weeks--that pull me a step or two back to the point I was at when I attended Sunday School all those years ago. And I decided that, in the spring quarter of self-improvement (although I haven't been sleeping enough even though I do absolutely nothing at night, I've been doing yoga, working out, and eating relatively well), I should also resume going to Intervarsity. Why not, right? Right.

Sigh, happy sigh.

This is the song I started off my day with:

Good night, world! I hope you--whoever you may be, despite whatever kind of week you have been experiencing and whatever else might be going on in your life right now--have just as wonderful of a day as I did today, because you probably deserve it. :)


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