Things Words Cannot Express

As much as I would like to think that I am a "verbal artist" or an "engineer of words," there are times like these, when all of the thoughts that run through my mind simply cannot be articulated in text. Everything makes sense--or doesn't--in my head, but once I sit down with the intention of writing it all out, I get scared or something. Admittedly, I supposed the expectation of an audience is a large part of the reason that I get scared of expressing whatever I'm thinking. But isn't that what artists and writers do? They expect an audience and create whatever is in the back of their minds for people to speculate. Sigh, I'm a failure.
Just kidding. It isn't time for self-deprecation yet. Speaking of which... I have a midterm of the 26th. I absolutely cannot wait! ...for the end of this quarter.

Anyway, lately I've been thinking some things that I probably shouldn't be thinking. And while I often try to push these thoughts away, they somehow keep resurfacing. Granted, I could just force myself to not think about this particular topic, but really, why should I have to restrict my own thoughts? BECAUSE THEY'RE NOT RIGHT TO HAVE! Okay, I'm being subtle in all the wrong ways...
Out of sight, out of mind? Out of mind, out of heart? Out of heart, out of life?!
What the heck?! WHAT THE HECK.

Okay, I'm going crazy now.

I need to start and finish a novel right now. I am looking forward to going to the gym tomorrow after class, but not looking forward to waking up at 7 for work at 8. But I'm excited--so, so excited--to go to the gym tomorrow. I was there for my yoga class today, and was extremely amused to see that one of the law school professors is in the class, too, hahaha. Actually, initially I was baffled and incredulous. But then I figured that yoga is good for people of all ages. Although the class was only an hour long, I was exhausted immediately afterward. During class, I kept thinking things--when I should have been thinking nothing--that distracted me from the peace that yoga is supposed to bring. I need to work on that--not thinking, I mean. About that one thing in particular especially.
Notwithstanding that... Yoga is interesting, to say the very least. Class again on Wednesday! And I got my new yoga mat bag in the mail today, yay.

Time to read!


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