What is this?! I do not like this new Blogger look at all. I feel like I'm actually typing up a paper for class instead of a blog for pleasure. And trust me: class and pleasure are at opposite ends of my interest spectrum. Usually, anyway. But seriously, what is this?! I do not like this at all. 

Like almost every other time that I blog (and do anything else at all, for that matter), I really should be studying instead, considering that I have a midterm on Thursday, and in the last three weeks, I have done absolutely nothing for poli sci. Absolutely. Nothing. That's kind of an oxymoron, isn't it? I think so.

Anyway, today officially marks the end of the H&S era. Over three and a half years, and it's all "gone" to "poof." I never imagined it just ending as a poof, but I suppose that's what happened. In some ways, it was more of a "boomsh," but it'll do. I'm not even sad or anything anymore. I think there just comes a certain point when you develop immunity to this kind of thing. Perhaps that's just another way of saying that a cold wall is in progress, but I truly hope that isn't the case. I don't think I should worry about that happening to me, though, because I can so easily open up to anyone and everyone. Anyway, back to H&S. It's hard to believe that this built up from just an argument, but I think this time, it was actually quite a serious and impassioned one, full of self defense and opposing blame. I feel... okay, actually. Not sad, not angry, but just fine. This probably sounds suspiciously like a defense mechanism working at its peak. But I really think it's just how I feel. I don't feel great, nor do I feel awful. I just feel fine, and despite that the word is overused and extremely vague, I have no other way of describing it. 
Surely, there will be plenty of things and moments that remind me of H&S times, but that's to be expected. There already have been a few, such as when I got the spicy spaghetti with beef at Noodle World earlier. I was introduced to a whole new world when H&S started, and I've learned and done a lot, and nothing that has happened and nothing that will happen can take away that world or the things that comprise it. There's so much that I can recount, so much that I can reminisce, but none of that is necessary. 
And who knows? Maybe H&S will re-coalesce down the road. But until then, I can't hold out hope, nor can I just put myself at a standstill. 
I'm fine.

I guess it's time to study, at last.


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