Clam Chowder

I just finished a cup of clam chowder with two slices of wheat bread and a carton of apple juice, and boy, am I full. For several hours, I debated between Asian food from Rendezvous and clam chowder from Bruin Cafe, and at last decided on the latter because I realized that my immune system probably does not need something as oily and unhealthy as Rendezvous. Stupid Rendezvous! In any case, I should take some vitamin C soon since I am starting to feel the whole my-body-hates-me-for-staying-up-so-late-to-do-nothing thing.
On top of this, I also suspect that my body just does not want me to study! Every time I start studying (on the rare occasion I do), my head aches and my stomach churns--studying just isn't for me! I say that only half-jokingly, by the way...

Recently, as I probably have mentioned many times previous, I have been falling asleep in class every day. Except yesterday... I actually stayed awake for the 1.5-hour duration of poetry! Maybe I should just arrive five minutes late every time, so that I will be more self-conscious of doing anything else "wrong," i.e. sleeping. I hate falling asleep in my other English class (Literary Los Angeles) because the professor is one of my favorites, and he actually seems to kind of remember me from last quarter... But I've been doing it for half an hour at a time the past few lectures. I feel absolutely terrible. And it isn't even like I can help it (other than by getting more sleep, probably, which I have yet to try)! Today, I bought Starburst, thinking that having the candy in my mouth would make me stay awake. But really, just like with gum, all I had to do to succumb to sleep was STOP CHEWING (or in this case, sucking on the candy). Sigh...
While leaving poli sci later in the afternoon, I overheard someone telling his friend that he feels guilty if he doesn't go to class (even though lectures are podcasted), so he goes and staves off sleep successfully, but doesn't pay attention. If only I could do even that...

Yesterday, I attended a talk by Bill Simmons and other writers of Grantland. Admittedly, I don't think I even knew what Grantland was until after I went. Although upon entrance I felt extremely out of place because almost every attendee was male, I am glad I went, because the writers and their humor and advice were so enlightening! In short, they made me feel better about my current cloud of uncertainty and just a tad more confident in my desire to write in my future career. They're quite funny guys, too. I hope I can maintain my personality like they have when I write professionally. Or not professionally? We shall see.


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