I slept at almost 2:30 last night (because I had trouble falling asleep again) and woke up at 7:57, only to fell back asleep on and off until 9:14. I suck at sleeping nowadays. I mean, even on days I don't have work, I end up sleeping later and waking up at almost the same time. What the heck is up with that?! Two days ago, I found out that the youth program actually ends on September 7, which means that I work until that day, which means I have two weeks less of vacation. Which means I have two weeks of vacation. If that. So while everybody else is happy that they get to get paid more, I am mad because I get to rest less! As of now, I have had three dreams about work. The office lead--the one I was covering for my first two weeks in the office--said that that's an indication that I work too much. Now there's a wonder! Speaking of dreams, I really have been dreaming almost every night since I watched "Inception". How scary. And yesterday, I had deja vu at one poin...