Paul Walker

"Fast and Furious" was good. Loud, but good. I feel like spoiling the movie for people. But whatever. All I can say is, it seems so unrealistic! And I don't like the ending. That's all.
Since when were movie tickets eleven dollars?! As far back as I can remember, they were $6.75! Then again, after I had that thought, I recalled going to watch "Frost/ Nixon" during winter break for $9.75... Interesting. Man, everything's so expensive these days.

So, see, how are people supposed to spend money to stimulate the economy when the prices of everything are rising while incomes are declining? Goodness gracious. I would like to minor in economics or something. Heck, if I could, I'd minor in everything, especially Gender Studies, whatever the heck that is.

On the way home earlier, the car, put simply, broke down. A block from home! Of course, S and I couldn't just leave C and her sister there, so we just sat there in dumbfounded astonishment that it actually happened then and there, of all times and places, so close to both of our homes. The four of us sat in the car, blocking many cars, none of which honked, surprisingly, until a guy stopped behind us and got out. First we were scared because we thought he was going to like, mug us, so we locked our doors in panic. Long story short, he helped us push the car (actually, he did it while we were all in the car) to the next block next to the curb and parked behind us until C's brother came to tow the car home. The dude was waiting right behind us the whole time until they left and S and I thanked him. That was so cool. What an altruist, I tell you. In the very beginning, he told us he's a mechanic, or becoming one. Whichever. Haha, and to think that we assumed he was a murderer. Ha.
I guess that there are some good people left in this world. That's nice to know.

Since I don't feel like doing anything else or anything, I shall go play piano for a short while.
And tomorrow, I WILL run. Or play tennis. Who knows?

Here's a quote from "Gossip Girl," which I never watch anymore, that I looked up:
Eric: Does this feel like a sitcom to anyone else?
Dan: More like a reality show.
Chuck: Then I can vote you off.


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