Just Do It

I have always anticipated it,

I am so horrible at chemistry, dagnabbit.
There's a calc quiz tomorrow. I've actually been looking forward to it, frankly speaking. As I was walking into second period today, Mrs. J rhetorically asked, "Do you (addressing everybody) think chapter nine is a form of child abuse?" She's so funny. I actually like chapter nine, supposedly the hardest chapter in the book... I think I might be weird, but whatever.

The AP Calculus BC exam is next Wednesday; I must study (for the FRQ section)!
Let us not even begin to discuss chemistry.

I hope I don't fail the math 2 subject test on Saturday, if it's even possible to fail those things.
I read an article today about UCs limiting admission of Asian Americans starting with the high school class of 2012 in order to make the system more "diverse" and "fair." Fair? How in the world is that fair? Limiting admissions based on ethnicity is the same as...well, yeah, that thought flew from me pretty quickly. But the point is, it's pointless. I mean, what ever happened to equal opportunity? Or, what will happen, rather. Also starting with the class of 2012, subject tests will no longer be required for college admissions because somebody finally decided that they don't play a pertinent role in signifying one's intellectual and academic knowledge. Go figure. That person obviously hasn't taken any of the tests that we take today. Gosh darn it.

Since today was a professional development schedule day, we got back around two, which means that I got to watch "General Hospital." The episode wasn't very exciting, but whatever. I missed "One Tree Hill" and all those Monday night shows last night...on purpose, for the purpose of doing other homework. Oh, well.

I cannot wait to get AP exams over with already.

And now the time has come.


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