I Will Remember You

We're a picture
In my mind
When I want to find you
I just want to close my eyes
You'll never be that far from me
So don't say goodbye 'cause
You'll never be that far from me

I am feeling much better today. Actually, I am perfectly fine today. Thank goodness for sleep--it works miraculous wonders, very honestly speaking. Too bad I missed calc, though, because I have absolutely no idea whatsoever how to do today's atrocious assignment, darn it. Who knows what happened in chem? Every other class, I don't care about.

So I finally watched full episodes of "Big Bang Theory," "How I Met Your Mother," AND "Gossip Girl" tonight. All at the same time simply because I can. ;)
"One Tree Hill" I am missing, but whatever; that storyline goes slowly anyway.

Speaking of slow storylines, I want to be able to watch at least a bit of "General Hospital" every week just to catch up on what's going on. (No, I am not an old lady. Soap operas are for everybody, okay?)

Goodness gracious, it was freakishly HOT today. What is up with that (besides the temperature)?! I mean, I sweat even when I'm only sitting here. That is completely against the rules of human nature. "That" as in such a degree of heat in the SPRINGtime. Really, though? What's going to happen come June? Heatstrokes awry, I say.

Hmm, I'm going to go relax some more now before having to go back to school tomorrow. High school truly breaks my heart. High school, among other things. Then again, whose heart doesn't high school or anything else break, right? Ah, goodness gracious. I'm delusional.


By the way, it's still 84 degrees in Los Angeles right now.
And it's 9:49 P.M.

In other words, BLASPHEMY!


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