Flower Market

My dad woke me up this morning at 10:30 (ugh) and asked if I wanted to go to the flower market Downtown with him. Seeing as how it was such a beautiful morning and considering that I love flowers, I accepted the offer. So we were at the flower market place for about 22 minutes (minus three, according to the parking meter). And it was absolutely gorgeous. I love that place! That one block is full of flower shops and markets and all that awesomely good stuff. Yay!

At the moment, I'm torn between playing tennis with my cousin and going to watch "Fast and Furious" with my sister and her friend and her sister. I think I want to go watch the movie... But I know I don't want to let my cousin down... Ugh. See, first I have nothing on my plate. And soon, I'm torn between multiple events (in this case, only two)!

But yeah. Man, I LOVE flowers! Like, asdfjkl; much.
Oh, yeah, I didn't just happen to have a camera with me at the flower market. I purposefully brought it with me because I knew I wanted to take photos of flowers, one of my favorite pastimes that I hadn't tended to since last summer. My phone's photo gallery is comprised of, well, mostly flowers. Ha. Yeah, but I wasn't the only one there with a camera; I saw a middle-aged woman holding a camera, although it wasn't on. Huh.

Ah, I want to go to the Huntington Library in San Marino. And take more photos of nature (namely, flowers). Spring is so wonderful.

So my cousin called about five minutes ago and asked if I still wanted to go. I guess he figured something else came up. So I suppose that I'm going to watch the movie. Yay.

Anyway, I want to go do something else now.

There are 10^11 stars in the galaxy. That used to be a huge number. But it's only a hundred billion. It's less than the national deficit! We used to call them astronomical numbers. Now we should call them economical numbers.
-Richard Feynman


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