
really does give you diarrhea. Don't ever eat it in excessive amounts in a limited time frame. Just don't ever!

I haven't done any work at all all weekend. I suppose that that's plausibly excusable, since technically, spring break doesn't begin until...tomorrow. Which means that I have to start working on chem tomorrow, dagnabbit. And I have to go to the doctor's at three. For some reason, I always dread doctor visits.

What did I do today, you ask?
Well, first of all, thank you for caring to inquire about my day. Here goes: I woke up at 8:30 or so and then did all the morning stuff, ate breakfast, then sat here at the computer for a while, all until around 11:30, when I went out to walk/ run, neither of which I really did because somebody didn't want to do either. But yeah, we just sat in the gym at Alpine and watched some old guys play basketball, which was very interesting, because you'd assume that these old Asian guys would be at home reading a newspaper or yelling at their grandchildren or something, but apparently not! After a short while, I decided to just go outside to run. I ran two blocks, after having gotten tired after ONE block (!), and went back inside, sweating. But the air conditioning was on. So my nose started crying like crazy, and my throat felt extremely weird. Soon, I started coughing and my eyes began to tear up. So I quickly went to the restroom and then decided that I couldn't handle it anymore, so we went home. Right as I stepped out of the gym, I began to sneeze like never before. I couldn't even look up because my eyes were so sensitive! So I kind of got really scared because that hadn't ever happened to me before. After just about a thousand and one sneezes, I finally felt a bit better. Immediately after I got home, I took a long, warm shower (with the heater on) and then put on a thick jacket afterward, which ultimately made me heat up.
But yeah, I think my nose is really depressed or something, for some reason. I mean, it's been crying A LOT lately. But I don't understand why. I give it fair treatment and wash and care for it the same as the rest of my face. Does it really need the frequent presence of a tissue? Really? Goodness gracious darn it.
Anyway, after lunch, my sister and I went with J and her brother to the Santa Anita mall. She and...she went together to wherever to do unappealingly girly stuff while I went with the dork to Borders (nerds ftw!) and then roamed around wherever else. He was surprised when I told him that I suck at shopping, which I really do. You know what else I suck at? PAYING. Almost all the time, I give a deficient amount of money to the cashier and make it look like I have insufficient funds or something, which I almost did today, but that's beside the point. For example, at Sweet Factory, my total was $7.94. I gave her seven dollars, and then tried to give her four cents, then nine cents, then nineteen cents... Until finally, she said something along the line of, "Seven dollars isn't enough." About ten seconds later, I realized that my balance was $7.94, not $7.04, so I ended up giving her ten dollars and receiving a lot of unwanted coins afterward. Dagnabbit. I don't think that anybody should trust me to be a cashier without hours upon hours of prior training. On a similar note, I can't even hold 13 cards correctly. What the heck is wrong with me, huh? Golly gee.

I absolutely love Borders bookstore. I could totally live and THRIVE in that place. For about a month, possibly a week. Haha.

Man, I want to go to Borders again.

So, anyway, after the mall, we got back to Alhambra around... Heck, I don't even know what time. Six, possibly? Yeah, six. After about half an hour of just sitting there, J, S, and I went biking around the block. It felt so good to bike, since I hadn't done it since last summer. But my legs got tired quickly whenever I pedaled faster. That means my legs have gotten weaker, darn it. Therefore, summer = gym time. Yay! (Not the least bit of sarcasm there.)

Agh, I am going to go shower now.
Then sit around for fifteen minutes or so. Put stuff away. Read a bit. Sleep.

I hope you had and are having a nice day, whomever you may be.

And remember:
Never eat chocolate in excessive amounts. Ever.!(1000x333x256).gif
Sugar on sugar. Kids these days.

Here's another one:


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