We Were Young But Secure

"I've got to move on and be who I am."

I woke up at 11:48 a.m. today, ate "breakfast", and plunked myself down at the computer for the rest of the afternoon. Basically, I've been on the computer all day today.
With the exception of doing math homework for about half an hour.
I actually got ahead on my chemistry homework, which is good.
Although, I really need to set my priorities straight, because really, I could have been studying instead. Not that getting ahead isn't good.
Anyway, I watched just about the whole first episode of Gossip Girl on YouTube today. It was FREAKING AWESOME. I loved it so much. It's really really good. Like, really. Then in the evening I started watching clips of High School Musical 2. Lots of new songs! Yay!

So, it's actually been cold this week. And it actually rained last night and today. It's nice. But this time of year, people have all these allergies and colds and whatnot, and I get really...paranoid when I'm close to them. I mean, really. I don't want to get sick.

Thursday, I actually had a pretty good day. Just because it started getting colder in third period. Or maybe I'm talking about Wednesday, which I must have already talked about if I did blog on Wednesday. Which I'm pretty sure at this moment that I did. Um, yeah.
I guess PE's starting to rub in... kind of. The class is still enormous, and the people are still annoying. But like I said before, I'll have to deal with it. I've dealt with it. For now. We start actual PE sometime this coming week. Should be interesting, to say the least. Or...utterly boring, to say it all.

For the past two weeks, I have felt so dull and numb from studying and having to worry about studying. I have never felt so exhausted and worn out from school before. But as with PE, I'll have to deal with it. I still think I'm too young for all this. Stress, I mean.

I think I've mentioned that I'm back to my Hating Everybody phase. No matter how "optimistic" I may seem, I am a hater, okay? Whatever.
I probably sound mad right now.
I'm not.

"A picture can tell a thousand words, but they're not always the right ones."

Hmm, what now? I should read Lord of the Flies... and do the packet that goes along with it.
But you know what? I don't feel like it.
So oh well.

Seriously, I don't get why people dwell on the past so much.
The past has passed. The present is NOW. The future is yet to come.
Honestly, what's the point of thinking about ten years later when you don't even know what's going to happen ten seconds later? What's the point of thinking about ten years ago when you know you can't change what happened even ten seconds ago?

Oh, that was good! :)
I love what comes off the top of my head sometimes.
No, not hair.
I meant metaphorically.

Just about twelve hours since I woke up. I should go to sleep now!

Then tomorrow...I shall: STUDY.
And, of course, STUDY!
Oh, and then there's homework, too.
Followed by something that should come to both you and me as shockingly exciting: MORE STUDYING!
Go, me.
Oh, and as a second afterthought, I think Nate's (the one on the right side) pretty hot ;)


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