Low-Life in the Dumps

I am, as one of my acquaintances once called himself, a low-life.
Or, I'm currently being one. Actually, I've been doing nothing the whole day but doing nothing on the computer. Which is really bad and very lowly of me to...do.
I have homework, sure, and I really should be doing it...I should have been done a long time ago, actually. But I got stuck on the second question of the discussion part of the lab write-up, so I gave up. Yeah, I'm probably not making any sense. This is what results from spending time on the computer all day while there are other more important things to be doing.

I wrote three new poems yesterday and today. Yay for me :)
I think they're pretty good, to be perfectly honest, haha.

At this particular moment and for the next several, I am listening to the song Wadsyaname by Nelly. I love this song. It's like K-Ci & JoJo's All My Life meets Nelly. Actually, it is. In my opinion.
And it is awesome.

My throat kind of hurts from consuming so much of the Corn Bran cereal. The little squares or whatever.
They make me very thirsty, though...
That's not good.


Have you ever had anything you really wanted people to know or hear, but you were afraid to say it because you thought it might hurt others, or that they might not accept it?

(This shall be an open-ended post.)


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