Just Darn ________

Today is Wednesday.
Boy, does the term "hump day" apply to today.
It passed by so darn slowly...!
All day, I was just darn anticipating for the after-school bell to ring already so I can have my after school session for one of my classes. But, yeah.

Wow, I actually got 44% on a test... Of course, and fortunately, it was a practice test. It occurred to me that finding the correct answer for each mistake on a 50-question test in four packets of information isn't as easy as it may seem. I took one and a half hours to correct just darn 15 or so of them. And I'd (supposedly) read the material, too!

Not that you (whoever you are) care...

I realized again today that nothing is ever really truly completely gone.
There is always a fragment, a remnant, no matter how small, left.

And I am now done with my just darn "poetically profound" bit (for now).

Maybe you've realized that I usually don't use second person point of view much.
I don't know why I'm doing so now.
Oh, wait. I do. It's because I'm rambling again.
Maybe you've also realized that I'm always very vague about things. Like my classes (except sixth-period PE, which deserves oh so much scornful exposure).
Um, yeah.

Yay, no school tomorrow.
I can actually have my desired amount of sleep :)

Oh, I got a tattoo.
No, it's not a "fake-ass drawn" one.
It's a specialized-only-for-Wendy created by the one and only Wendy with the equipment of a friend's black pen that goes very nicely on skin.
Okay, it's "drawn". But it's NICE! It says my name in some weird "font" that I invented just at that moment.
...I was bored and in freaking sixth-period PE, okay?

I'm currently reading Lord of the Flies by William Golding for English class. It sure is interesting, to say the least. I mean, honestly, I did not understand the first chapter. But then I started getting into the story during the second chapter, just because it began with something... um, yeah, I forgot. Haha.

Okay, I'm done.

So long, farewell,
Until we meet again...

(from Out of the Box [loved that show] !)


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