Blog IX

I am so not amused, nor can I easily be today.
I won't even bother elaborate any further (not that I even did at all).

I'm a very contradicting person.
There are times when I can be just a plain, simple girl, and then there are other times when I can be a pain-in-the-butt-complicated person. I like to avoid being the center of attention, but I tend to be rather self-centered during conversations. I'm an environmentalist, yet I constantly forget to turn off the light in my room at home. I'm a perfectionist and a hard worker, but I'm a procrastinator and also a lazy bum. I can be serious and standoffish, or I can be hilarious and...not friendly, but somewhere around there. And here I am being self-centered again! But then again, this is my blog, so it'd only make perfectly good sense that I write about myself (not that I'm ever not) every once in a while.
I'm one who is constantly driven by perversion. No, not as in pervert. Go look it up.
I don't know why, but I do know that this is definitely true of myself. Ah, me, myself and I. The wonderful, fantastic three. Hahaha, just kidding ;) Anyway, back to the point. Whenever someone tells me not to do something, that perversion in me sparks and makes me actually want to go do it just to spite the instruction. Unless, of course, it's common sense. Duh. I think the reason why I do this is to show the person that I don't necessarily have to comply to what he or she says, that I have a mind of my own and that I know what to do and what not to know so as not to harm myself or those around me.
Huh, that was quite a run-on oracion.

You know what?
I'm getting so tired of writing about myself.
I don't know how people can go on and on about themselves in autobiographies. It's horridly tedious! Unless, of course (used for the second time here), they have so many valued and cherished memories that they reminisce and would like to share. Or whatever.

Goodness, I'm infuriating myself with all this senseless nonsense.



Terry said…
I find it funny how you can go on and on about, but i like your blog.(even if you calld my blog not a real blog) I feel you find it a place to blow off steam.

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