no me gusta...

For some reason (and I probably know that unmentionable reason), I really despise Spanish II now. Three third period was okay, although I was the only sophmore there and everyone else was either a junior or a senior. Dude. I don't like going down a step. It's so...maddening. I absolutely hate having PE sixth period, when the sun is freaking at the peak of blazing its rays and creating the insane, undesirable utter heat for physical education students. I so do not want to get any darker. I seriously do not get why people intentionally go out for a tan. But hey, whatever sinks their ships. I really just dislike my schedule this semester. Every class is so darn crowded. I'm going to become claustrophobic someday, just watch. I don't like huge classes. What ever happened to small learning communities, huh? Gosh. I mean, REALLY. They're trying to do this thing where all the honors students or whatever are in the same classes. It was fine last year, but this year, there are so many more students that it's actually more...disgusting, really, than overwhelming. Or whatever. I guess I'll just have to get used to it. Like Frankie J sings, Just deal with it, deal with it.
Oh yeah, yesterday was the first day of school. I already had a ton of homework that kept me up until...midnight. I couldn't fall alseep until mid-midnight, and then woke up at "an ungodly hour"-- 5:30 A.M. I have a feeling that I am going to be utterly deprived of sleep this school year. Gosh darn it.

People suck.
They really do.
Heck, even I suck.
And I know that well.

Why I just typed that, I do not know.
But I seriously do think so.

What I should be doing now is homework...and studying. But I decided to cut myself some slack, because I don't have as much homework today as I did yesterday. However, if I just keep this attitude, I'm going to end up sleeping at midnight again.
I am such a horrible procrastinator. Not "horrible procrastinator" as in I'm bad at procrastinating and always get everything done in an organized and timely manner, but "horrible procrastinator" as in I ALWAYS PUT EVERYTHING OFF UNTIL REALLY LAST MINUTE. But hey, I work well under pressure. Although I do get quite temperamental the day before a huge deadline. But it's how I am, and I'm fine with it. Most of the time.

I wrote this new poem yesterday while I was sitting by my not-so-lonesome self on the schoolbus in the afternoon before I dozed off:

One Last Kiss

We've tried once,
We've tried twice
We were blunt
And our words were ice

Our hearts weren't in it
We were testing the limit
By making a fire without wood
Though we tried hard as we could
It just wasn't any good

We've both taken
Stabs in the back
It's time for us to awaken
And see what we lack
We're missing everything
We ought to have

A bird cannot fly without wings
Just as we can't be a duet
No matter how beautifully you sing

We can't go on
Not like this
We'll sing one last song
And kiss one last kiss.

Personally, I like it :)


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