Wow, LeBron.

Freaking LeBron... Well, all that should be said about him has already been said. Hopefully, in time he will learn and he will overcome his egotism. An NBA championship for the Cleveland Cavaliers WITHOUT him has been guaranteed, though. We shall see, we shall see. He is still young and he has a lot to learn, even though he probably doesn't realize that.

On a brighter note, I had a good Thursday off from work. Hypoglycemia woke me up and prevented me from falling back asleep yet again, so I got up at 10:22, after about half an hour of trying to fight it. I watched two or three episodes of "Days of Our Lives", then went out to lunch with P in Little Tokyo, at a small restaurant called Sushi & Teri, I believe. Although the food wasn't good, the time we spent together was, so that was a good afternoon and some good Yogurtland dessert. Yogurtland has a new flavor! At least, it's new to me because I hadn't ever seen it before: juicy peach tart...yum! But I believe my hype about that place has long since died down.
After that, I came home and stayed at home for about an hour before S and I took the Dash bus to the church gym, mistakenly thinking we would get to play badminton. We got there and found out it was only old people playing! Using up all the courts! So we ran around Alpine, something I hadn't done since before the marathon way back in March (wow). After about one lap, I asked, "Have we really not done even half a mile yet?" I couldn't believe that I had run two marathons before today. In other words, I am so out of shape! Despite that, I pushed myself to run a mile or maybe a little more, and finished in about ten minutes. I need to start running again; the weight is piling! Then we and D just stayed in the Alpine small gym and shot around. Or, well, they did, while I stood around...
Finally, at a quarter past eight, N came and we dropped off S, then went to dinner. It was my first time at Tony Roma's, and it certainly won't be my last! The soup was actually wonderfully delicious, and the steak (9-oz. Tony's sirloin) was, well, steak. It was actually my first time ordering steak, so I mistakenly ordered rare when I wanted to have it cooked all the way...then went back to the waitress and told her medium well. Ha. So I learned something new tonight: how to order steak!

Tomorrow is payday at work! That means I have to go in to pick up my paycheck since I really don't want to have to find out how to and then go get it from the accounting department. I really don't like office worker people. In general.

I wonder when I will purchase all of my necessities for the dorm. Perhaps after orientation? AFTER EVERYBODY ELSE HAS GONE? Goodness. In any case, I'm not particularly worried about that, but I am somewhat looking forward to going shopping for something other than food and clothing. Maybe I will become interested in shopping again, haha.

Tomorrow is senior honor night at ROCK, and I must admit that for a short while last night, I was considering the Jordin Sparks concert/ performance, too. I should look up L.A. Live events more often, because so many things happen (around) there!

At work, I have met so many pregnant co-workers. Or co-workers that already have kids. And I see so many women pushing strollers and holding other kids' hands. And they're pregnant again! Honestly, that just makes me not want to ever be pregnant. Goodness gracious, I seriously had never seen so many pregnant women in any one place in my lifetime! Anyway, like P said, meeting interesting co-workers is an interesting highlight of my job.

I think I'm going to WalMart tomorrow to look at futons... Go figure.
I hope to run at least six laps around Alpine before ROCK tomorrow night. And to remember to bring my work jacket to the dry cleaner.

More when I feel like it!


Anonymous said…
haha. hey wendy. im reading ur blog and i see u say u want to know more events at la live. well i got one for you!,Teen-Island-Fan-Fest,160.html

get free tix to this . if u like those artist and i never heard of them . maybe u have.


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