
In polar contrast to yesterday and the day before, today was a good day. I awoke sans headache and made sure I got up slowly to avoid head rush. Although everybody was mad at one point, it got better.

Today, I went to yum cha at Ocean Star, then to get strawberry snow bubble with small boba (love the alliteration) from Tapioca Express, then to watch "Despicable Me" in 3D at the Edwards Renaissance Theater. Finally, to get my dose of ice cream at Rite-Aid. Although it was expensive, it was a good day.

I got home around four-thirty and put on my new Nike running shoes (bought a few months ago, really), feeling determined to exercise. I ran one mile in nine minutes, then walked half a mile in six. Afterward, I helped to move a bed, which made me sweat more than running did. An hour later, I helped to wash both of my parents' cars, which sort of cooled me down. So I got a lot of exercise today, I think, and now I am so sore.

At the church gym yesterday, I learned how to shoot a basketball correctly, and I must say, it feels so good to know that I am finally doing it right. Additionally, I feel good when the ball goes in! Who doesn't, though? Haha. Then D and I played badminton for over an hour, which made my left arm sore. So, yes, I have obviously begun my efforts to a healthier summer and healthier self. Good for me.

Last night, I read three chapters of Mercy by Jodi Picoult. And I hope to continue reading until about eleven after this. I love reading. I can't believe that I've gone almost two summers/ years without reading for pleasure. Bad, bad me.

"Despicable Me" was amazingly marvelous. Absolutely remarkable. It made me laugh so many times and made me shed a total of three tears toward the end. What an excellent movie. Definitely one of my favorites. Agnes reminds me so much of myself!

Have I mentioned I'm finally using my new laptop? After more than two weeks, I finally opened the package this morning, and I have been using it for the past hour or so, installing programs and bookmarking my most frequently visited sites. Now I'm blogging on my very own laptop for the very first time. Yay.

Tomorrow, I have work until 2:45. I hope it goes by quickly and interestingly. And that I'm not in Air and Space again. My first day of office work on Thursday was so painful! I wore utterly uncomfortable shoes that made my feet hurt whenever I stood, much less walked. Um, for some reason, what I'm writing now seems quite familiar. Maybe I've already written about Thursday. Oops.

I really need to find my flash drive. I'm so stupid for not having ever saved the most important files on the laptop, too. Gosh.

Anyway, I believe that shall be all for tonight. Time to read!


Anonymous said…
omg. yes despicable me is an awesome movie. it was beyond cute!
one of my fav part was when the lil girl was like "its so fluffffy!!"
and when one of the minions cracked the others back to glow!. ahaha too cute
and i did teared too! at the part where he wrote his own puppet book and it was an emotional scene for me. like tears of joy. ahaha.

p,s guess who
p.s.s i bet you know

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