
This is my 400th blog post! And it will soon be my blog's third birthday, if I remember correctly. But that can wait a few weeks.

I have so many plans for August, and so many events have occurred in the past few days that I can't help but think that August has already begun, when in fact, it begins tomorrow.
Yesterday was such a good day, quite possibly the best single day I've had in a while. I woke up with the intention to go do my blood test until I realized I didn't have my medical insurance card. Then I loitered around downstairs until N came to get me so we could go yum cha at the usual place. For some reason, they didn't have shiu mai, but the ha cheng (rough translation) was splendid. Afterward, we bought a large peach green tea (yum) from the usual drink place, then went home and loitered around there. I got back around 5:20, when A still hadn't arrived yet. Finally, she arrived, as did my A relatives, haha.
T and I made plans to go running, and then said San Gabriel because San suggested so so we could all run together. Then I invited DZ (I shall call her that from now on). So we got to S's home, where we loitered some more while waiting for him to get ready. Somebody suggested playing badminton at the park, too, so we headed to the 99cents store, which unreasonably had badminton birdies but not rackets... After a while, we just gave up and went to Arcadia Park. On the way, S turned the music on really loud and we all sang along just as loudly when we saw nearby cars with open windows. That was fun.
Finally, we got to the park and looked for a running path, but then decided to just run around the block, which took nearly half an hour because those blocks are so enormous! But those two miles felt so good. By that time, it was probably approaching, if not past, eight, so we hung out at children's playground area, where little girls made fun of S and T for being to flabbergasted by the spinning apparati.
And of course, after you run, you'd want to eat. So we ate at Phoenix a few blocks down the road from the park and played charades while waiting for our food, which was quite alright but not memorably delicious. It was nice to eat with DZ, T and S, though. I welcome changes like those with wide-open arms. Yay. At last, we decided against dessert because everybody was already so full from the entrees.
To sort of work off the calories that we had just regained, we went back to S's home to play foosball and more charades, which was exceptionally fun. I learned that I suck at charades, though! At both guessing and acting! It's okay, though. It was healthy, good fun that lasted until one in the morning.
One in the morning?! Undoubtedly, my parents weren't happy with this, because they didn't even know exactly who I was with. But I think it's all good now, because neither of them said anything about it to me today, and all my mom said earlier about my going out to dinner tonight was, "Don't come back too late." And I got back at 9:24. Yay.
Back to yesterday... It felt SO good to be out so late with friends (and cousin). It was such a new thing to me, though, and I feel like a noob saying that, but at least I've experienced it, and I hope that I will continue to experience fun, spontaneous plans like that this summer. It felt completely refreshing.
So refreshing, in fact, that even though I got into bed at 2:30, I couldn't fall asleep until 5:15. And even while I was "asleep", I was half-conscious of the fact that I was still tossing and turning. Then I woke up at ten! What the heck!

After I woke up today, I checked my bg and was so glad that it was not low, because that meant I could finally go do my blood test. That I did. I had forgotten about the urine test part, though, and already used the restroom twice at home. So I didn't need to use it at all when I arrived at the laboratory... But I was able to get the tiniest bit out, embarrassed because the girl before me had a full cup and I had nearly nothing. But oh, well.
Immediately following that, the A's, my mother and I went to my dad's cousin's home in El Sereno to have a semi-celebratory lunch for one of her soon-to-be-married granddaughters. It was such a joke, because we went there just to show up and eat for five minutes, then left. I sat and watched television for hours, waiting to go run/ to go out for dinner. But just the dinner happened at Noodle World. Afte that, I got my passionfruit snow bubble with small boba. Delicious. On the way home, I held up the cup and declared to it, "I will never betray you for strawberry again!" and kissed it. That's how good passionfruit snow bubble with small boba is! I am just disappointed in myself that I could have forgotten that.
It was so nice of N to stay with me because I am still scared to be at home alone at night. Especially after I shower... I get unbelievably paranoid that somebody is creeping outside of the bathroom or downstairs. Shiver.

I can't wait for this next week to start. Starting with, let's say, tomorrow, because I am anticipating an excellent, joyful week.

Sunday: called out from work, change pump, possibly "The Blind Side", ROCK Sunday, running, hopefully dinner with N
Monday: office work every Monday from now on--no uniform, church basketball games
Tuesday: writing with J.O., more basketball games
Friday: start of 08/08 weekend<3
Saturday: plans I don't know about!
Sunday: eight eight

Upcoming: UCLA orientation (somebody please remind me of that next weekend), ROCK kick-off event, more writing with J (hopefully), more of yesterday, more basketball games, end of work, CHLA appointment...
Oh, darn it, I also have the youth program meeting at work on the 13th, right after orientation. I need to write my five-minute speech... Or maybe I could just improvise.

Hmm, I should sleep soon. I believe I have a long day ahead of me tomorrow, and I hope it will be wonderfully spectacular. I also hope for some endorphins!

"Be happy. You don't own all the problems in the world."


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